Chapter 17

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Oh Appa, I swear if we find you, I'll never complain about flying. Ever again.

Closing my eyes, I held back a long moan. My feet were extremely sore from all the walking we had been doing and my body ached from sleeping on the hard ground. Not to mention the whole Sokka-passing-out on me thing didn’t improve my aches either.

Wadding in my pity, I looked up and noticed something flying in the sky. Using one hand to cover my eyes I used my other to point up.

"Hey look! It's a bird!"

Katara looked up, coping me.

"No it's some sort of flying device."

Sokka shook his head, and turned his gaze back to us.

"No, you're both wrong. It's Aang!"

Katara and I looked at each other, and as Aang landed, we turned to watch him.

"Guys, there's something big heading towards Ba Sing Se. We need to get there fast!"

He didn’t even greet us, he just went off on ‘we need to save people’ mode.

"I'm on it!"

Suddenly the ground about me shook as Toph bended the earth around us. It shot us around, and to be honest I got so confused I didn’t even realize we had made it to the outer wall. After I got my wits back, the three of us worked together to get everyone up to the top of the wall. As we flew up Sokka turned to Aang.

"Now what's so big that Appa has to wait?"

Aang pointed to a long metal drill that was slowly working its way to the outer wall.

"Oh." He nodded his head, arguing that at the moment the drill was more important than Appa.

"Even now that we've reached Ba Sing Se, we are still not safe!"

I looked at Ying, resting a hand on her shoulder. While I wasn’t hundred percent sure on what I was about to say; I knew she needed to hear it.

"Don't worry Ying, you'll be fine. You're with Team Avatar!" Just as I said that Earth Nation soldiers came running up to us.

"Who are you, and why are you all here?"

"It's okay, I'm the Avatar. I need to be taken to the King. There's a drill heading for the wall!"

Suddenly, a man, who was dressed nicely, came up. He looked us at with a bow that was too deep and a smile that was way too creepy.

"Welcome young Avatar, but your help here in our city is unneeded. Our wall's impenetrability prevents any enemy invasion of Ba Sing Se."

Toph stepped up, her arms crossed.

"What about the Dragon of the West?"

His smile suddenly turned nastier, and creeped me out even more than before.

"Well, the general was quickly removed. You do know that Ba Sing Se means Impenetrable city!"

"But what about that fire Nation drill?"

He forced out a "Light" laugh. I had to keep myself from running away or totally tacking him to the ground. I was mixed on the feelings and it was making me a little woozy.

"Do not worry, the Terra Team will stop them."

Before we could even reply, a group of finely dressed men suddenly popped out from nowhere. We watched the men rushed out from the wall and towards the drill. As it approached, I could see Mai and Ty-lee's forms. They took the task of fighting the men. As the men fought they had to try to stop the drill. When the men’s earth bending could not stop the drill; that was when the situation got more dire. As the last man fell  to the men, the Earth General cried out.

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