Chapter 31

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After what seemed like forever- because with the comment so close every second either zoomed by or slowed to a snail’s pace- Aang was still missing. I wasn’t willing- I couldn’t just sit around on my butt doing nothing.  Or at least do whatever in the world Zuko was planning to do; and La only knows what that was. So I made my choice to go off by myself, with Fang.

"I'm going to search; Fang and I will meet you guys there." I stood, patting my thighs once as I did. Moving over to Fang, I swung my leg onto his back. Katara came over, her face having already been etched with worry, and petted Fang once. I glanced down to Katara. Fang gave a small roar to her purr, and I was sure he thought I abused him. He was saddled up, having been that way for about a day or so, and I had packed enough food to last us a few days.

"Maya, are you sure?"  I nodded, glancing back to the ocean, and then Katara.

"Yeah, Katara, I'm part ocean remember? If anyone can find Aang in the middle of the ocean, it'll be me. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine."  I smiled, and she handed me my staff. I swung it across my back, looking down to Fang as I did. I petted his head, trying to show him that he was luckier than he thought, and then looked out to the ocean.

"Fang, Fly!" 

We took off, with nothing but blue in front of us. And not glancing back to see what we were leaving behind.


We flew for hours. We flew so long, my vision blurred, I lost all feeling in my butt and Fang fought to stay in the air- drifting like a drunken sailor on a small fishing boat. We were both growing wary of traveling, and of finding nothing. The sun was well set, and we had seen nothing of Aang. We were both tired and needed our sleep, so when I saw a small patch of land, I steered Fang towards it.

"Fang, down boy, down there." He went down, and landed on the small patch of black earth. I fell from him, my legs totally sleep. I pushed myself up, as my legs tingled and burned back awake. I barely got my bed roll rolled out, before I fell back to the ground. I didn't know what was happening, but I was getting sleepy, and quickly. I looked around, my body fighting the sleep that tried to overtake me. But it was failing. The last thing I remember was Fang's roar, then nothing. 


Amaya, awaken.

I opened my eyes, blinking a few times as my blurred vision cleared. I rest on my side, my head on my right arm. I looked around, wondering where I was before then realizing what had happened. I had passed out.

"Huh? Where am-La!"  As I slowly sat up, I was greeted by the Ocean spirit. He floated in front of me, and I had never been happier to see him. The confusion was gone, and I was quick to get to the point.

"La, I need your help. It's Aang, it vanished out of thin air. And the comet's less than a day away, oh La. Please, help me. Not just for me, but for the whole fate of the world I-" 

Do not fret, my child. The young Avatar is safe, do not fear. He shall return to you before the comet's passing. 


Now is not the time for questions, my child. Once you awake, you must leave. Return to your friends, for the Fire Lord has crowned himself the Phoenix King, the ruler of all, and his daughter now rules the Fire Nation. When the time comes you will face her.

"A-Azula? I-I can-can’t! She's much too powerful for me. La, you’re wrong, I could never face off Azula."

You will. You must… and when you do, you will be given a choice. Make your choice wisely, Chosen Child. I know you will, you have lived thus far to your purpose. I highly doubt you should choose wrong; for your fate, and your friends' fate, rest within your hands. Azula’s brother shall challenge her, and he will fail- 

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