Chapter 7

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"I'm hungry."

I rolled my eyes, and sat up. I turned to Sokka, giving him a look that sould kill. 

"Sokka, I swear if I hear 'I'm hungry' one more time coming from your mouth; I'll fire bend you right off of Appa!" 

"-Besides, we have other things to think about, like getting Aang to the North Pole to learn water bending." 

I nodded, agreeing with Katara. Leaning back, I stared up into the sky, bored. As I counted the clouds we passed, I slowly drifted off. 

I woke up with a jolt, as I felt Appa descending down.  Sitting up, I looked around quickly, on alert.

"Huh? What's happening?" 

"Katara offered to teach me what water bending she knows!" 

I gave a more or less forced smile, trying to make the best of the fact I knew I wouldn't be getting another nap.

"That's great! Katara, do you think you could teach me too? I'd really like to try to get the whole water bending thing." 

"Sure thing, I'd love to!" 

Aang quickly caught on to water bending, doing each move nearly perfect the first or second time around. To which I could see Katara was getting mad, annoyed, and very jealous over. While I, on the other side, was failing... big time. I got the motion rights, but the water refused to move for me.. I wasn't sure why, but nothing worked... Unless I was drawing it to me, or making a wave; both of which I had already known... They were all I knew to be truthful.

Soon my anger got the best of me, and with a small hissy-fit I tossed my arms down and stormed away; giving up. Aang and Katara still worked with their water bending, Katara seeing me not getting it right on like Aang or even in the same area as her; gave me the feeling she liked I was having trouble.

Stomping over to Appa, I laid against him, crossing my arms. I closed my eyes, snuggling up against Appa. I was enjoying the sound of the waterfall, and the warmth of the sun on my skin. I was nearly lulled to sleep by the gentle water, when suddenly I was hit with a huge wave of water.


I sat up, my eyes popped open. Pushing away my limp, wet hair, I saw Aang. Sitting in my mud puddle, my voice rang out in a furious roar.


"Hey our supplies! Our food! Noooo!" 

I started at Sokka, my wet bangs falling and sticking to my face.  I pushed them away, turning my gaze to him.



As we walked though the town, Aang bought a bison whistle (a waste of our money in my brain), and some how we ended up on a sale ship. Or so I thought, it wasn't just any normal sale ship, but a Pirate ship. Looking around, I didn't dare touch anything, not wanting to risk a game with the Pirates.

Katara, looking as I did, found a water bending scroll. The only differance between us, is that she picked it up, and asked how much they wanted. They wanted 200 gold pieces, which wasn't bad. But then Aang tired to "deal" with two copper pieces -I had to step in. I wasn't about to deal with a band of pirates because Katara was mad that PIRATES STOLE a scroll and wanted a crazy price for it.

"I'm sorry, you have to forgive my-younger brother he's a little on the-"  I pulled the pirate closer to me, holding a hand up "Crazy." 

I raised my eyebrows, and made a circle on the side of my head with my finger. The man nodded, seeming to understand.  I grabbed Aang, and Sokka; heading towards the exit. Katara then joined in to get us, as I said our good bye. Never trust kids to do a oprhan's job. They had no street smarts what so ever.

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