Chapter 30

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Stretching my arms out and over my head; my mouth gaped wide as I released a long yawn. With a sniffle, and a scratch of my head, I slowly opened my heavy eye lids.  I shuffled out onto the front porch, where the rising suns beams were just starting to hit. I blinked in the morning sun, taking it all in. I moved forward with a sigh, wrapping my red robe tighter around my body.  The sight of the sun rising woke me right up. Leaning against the railing, I let the sun beams brush across my face, as I enjoyed the quite, cool, morning. Taking another deep breath, I closed my eyes, not moving for a few moments- not even when I heard foot steps behind me. I took another breath, not looking back, but slowly opening my eyes.

"This… this- is it… isn't it?"

I heard Zuko walk over, closing the gap he had placed between us and leaned on the rail next to me.  I kept my eyes on the sun, blinking a few times.

"In three days it will all be over. The war, the fire nation’s rein… just like that... What will we do after this?"

"Go on, and start help clean up the world. Bring peace to everyone, and start fixing the wrong." 

I sighed again, as I casted my eyes down and glanced down to my hands. "I didn't mean us as a group… I meant you and me… As two people who have feelings for each other." 

He didn't say anything for a while.  My eyes, still casted down, moved to look at his hands. He hand them folded within each other, gently squeezing them together.

"I don't know."

"Well, I need to know."

"Why are you making me chose?"  My eyes shot up, and glared up at him, not even taken back by his bare chest, and feet.

"Why? Why! Because I know you have feelings for Mae, don't you dare tell me you don't, and I need to know. Who do you love more, me or her? Who are you going to go to when you get crowned Fire Lord?"  He said nothing; our eyes staying glued until he casted his away. I waited a few minutes, my eyes never staying from his face, and nodded my head. Without saying a word, I turned my gaze towards the sun, my lips pressing together.

"I see. Well, after the war you can go back to your nation, to Mae, and live happily ever after." 

I turned and walked back to the entrance, leaving him. In a voice so low I knew he wouldn't hear me I spoke out to the wind,  "And leave me in the dust. Broken... and alone."  Using my robe's sleeve, I wiped away the huge tears rolling down my cheeks. 


Zuko yelled out commands to Aang. Though we were both technically his teachers, today was Zuko's day- as was almost every other day. I may have accepted my fire nation roots and gotten over my fire of fire but I still wasn’t fond of actually using it yet. So I helped Katara make some watermelon juice for everyone.

I carried the tray out, smiling as I announced the afternoon drink. Bending down, held the tray out, as hands reached out and grabbed a cup. Looking towards Aang and Zuko, I shouted out; "Okay, come and get it!”

Aang stopped his practice at once, and hopped straight over to me. He grabbed a cup, and as he slurped it back, Zuko called him lazy. I rolled my eyes, and narrowed my gaze at Zuko.

"For the love of all good- take a break Zuko. Not everything is about training- hey, I know what! Let's go to the beach!" 

Everyone jumped up, agreeing with me. They all clattered their cups onto the tray and followed me back inside to change- even Zuko came in after a few seconds. We left the house, over stuffed bags digging into our shoulders and Zuko grumbling after us. As we all made our way to the beach, Zuko called out behind us, claiming we were all lazy. I turned back, still striding forward and stuck my tongue out at him. Then it hit me, the most perfect come back. Ever. Period.

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