Chapter 15

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It's official, Aang's completely lost it.

I thought the exact words, as I shook my head. We sat together hunched in a group, looking at a bunch of holes spread throughout the dirt covered ground. Aang played his flute, the music nearly put me to sleep. I felt my eyelids flutter close, voices filling my ears.

"What's out here?" Sokka 

"A lot, actually." Toph

"Wait" Aang 

I opened my eyes just in time to see a small animal pop out of the hole, and repeat the note. My jaw dropped at the site. I smiled, and fell back a little. I had been wrong- for once. I enjoyed the show, until Sokka stuck his finger in the flute. 


I casted a hard glare at him, he always wrecked our fun. He was like a fun-sucking black hole.

"We need to make plans."

"We are mini-vacation plans."

I smiled at Toph, though she couldn't see it. However, my smile quickly fell, as everyone started to fight about our plans. With a scoff I rolled my eyes and sat back. There was no way I was jumping into that mess. I was sick of hearing the fighting. 

“All right, we’ll finish our vacations and then we’ll look for Sokka’s intelligence.” 

Being pulled from my own little thought wagon, I jumped up smiling. Clapping my hands together, as I hunched over slightly

"Great! I thought I may have to go all Fire Nation on you all again. So where are we going?" 


"Hello, I am Professor Zei of the Ba Sing Se University."

"Hello Professor Zei, I'm Aang, and this Katara and her bother Sokka. And that's Amaya."

I waved a nice short wave, as Zei started to question Aang with no end. I narrowed my eyes at the professor, pushing my lips out slightly.

"Would you happen to have a recent map with you?"

"Yes, here let me get it. Please, come sit with me."

We headed over to a table and sat. I didn’t like the idea of being crammed into a small both with a stranger, but hey, he had yet to show an interest in killing Aang. Sitting, he unrolled a huge piece of paper across the table. It was a map as he claimed, and it showed vast desert with red lines marking routes through out. He went on, explaining how he was searching for the Knowledge Spirit's library. As we listened to him, we all sat around, and fascinated as he explained the library to us. As he finished his little history class, we looked to each other. No one needed to speak to know what was about to said was something we all agreed to.

"Okay, our next mini vacation is to the Knowledge Spirit's library!" 


As we flew above the desert, in search for the library I took the time to look though my little box. I dug to the bottom, which was something I hadn't done in a long time. Running my fingers though the back, the tips slightly brushed up against the corner of something.


Pushing everything aside, I reached for it, and pulled at the faded paper. Holding it up, I was it was a simple folded piece of paper. I unfolded, and nearly lost it in the wind as I read it. 

My Dear Daughter 
Today marks your 5th birthday. Not a day passes that I don't think of you. I hope that one day you shall walk up to my door. There I will be waiting for you, my arms opened in a hug. 
Love, your Father

Just as I was about to scream, Toph yelled: 
"There it is!"

A Moment, Please.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin