Chapter 4

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"Amaya, are you okay?" 

"Huh-um-I mean, yeah- yeah... Why wouldn't I be?" 

I looked at Aang, trying to keep my gaze from looking down at the very far away ground.

"Because you're holding on so tight that your hands are white, and your face is a little green."

I looked down at my hands, which held on to Appa with all my strength; they were as white as my tan skin could get. Glancing back to him, I gave a flimsy smile.

"Well, you know. I'm not a real flier."

I let out a nervous laugh, my smile only making it only more awkward.

"Relax, Appa's the best flying bison I know."

Sokka was messing around with his bent stick thingy that he seemed to adore.

Stupid water tribe boy.

"Sokka, Appa's the only flying bison you know."

I closed my eyes, swearing i would be sick if I didn't.


"Hey look! There it is! Omashu!"

I caught my breath, as we came up to the city. It was huge, and beautiful-and all land! No flying. Thank the spirits.

As soon as Appa landed, I slid down his side, and onto the earth. I fell to my knees, gripping the dirt between my fingers.

Oh sweet, sweet, ground! 

"Let's go!"

Aang jumped down the ridge, and onto the side of the hill.

"Wait! You cant go looking like that!" 

"Why cant I?"

He turned to look at Katara. 

"Because every person will be after you."

Sokka nodded his head, as he folded his arms.

"Well, what can I use to change?" 

I looked around, thinking, before then noticing Appa. A smile curled up onto my lips, as I turned to them.

"I know!" 


"This is itchy...and smells funny." 

"Well, I"m sorry Aang, it was the best I could do.Be happy you only had to cover your head! I'm dying in this jacket." 

He scratched his head, which was now covered in Appa pure white hair, as was his upper lip. We walked slowly along the road to Omashu, making our way up. I wore Katara's water nation jacket over my Fire nation clothing; just to be safe; and I couldn't under stand how they enjoyed wearing such heavy thick fur.

We came close to the gate, and saw a man trying to get in. He had some sort of cabbage in his cart.

"The guards are so friendly here too!"

Just as Aang said that the guard Earthbended the cart off the road, and onto the side of the cliff. As the cart fell, the old man screamed out for it.


My eyes popped opened, as my mouth fell a tiny bit in horror.

"Sure Aang, they seem very welcoming." 

I swallowed the lump in my throat, wiping my forehead. As we came up to the gate we were stopped.  They asked about us, and I kpet my mouth shut. Not my job...Katara and Sokka were doing the talking, trying to get by. And failing by a landslide... then Aang came in. Rolling my eyes, I stepped up.

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