Chapter 5

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"Amaya, are you ready?"

I placed the arm guard over my bottom right arm. It was the color of dull green grass. I then reached for my thin red and gold Fire Nation choker. I placed it in the small box, and then reached for the knife I had bought at the market along with my new clothing. I looked at the knife, not believing what I was about to do.

All my life I wore my hair with a Top-Knot some wear on my head. But I was leaving behind the fire nation, my past, everything. Gulping, I grabbed the Top-Knot, and held it. Pulling my hair just a bit, I took the knife in my right hand. Bringing the knife up, I leveled it to my knot, and closed my eyes. With one strong cut of the knife, it was all over. 

 I took one last look at the knot, my past, before tossing it into the fire to my left. Also burning in the red flames were all my old Fire Nation clothing. I sat there for a few seconds, not believing what I had done.

I place the knife back in my box, and grabbed an old comb, that I had also bought that day. I twisted the sides of my hair, and then twisted it all into a bun in the back. There were a few strands of my un evenly cut hair that hung on each side of my face, from where I cut my knot. 


"Well, How do I look? I look like an Earth nation peasant, don't I!?" 

They all nodded their head, agreeing with me, over looking my dull green v neck shirt, the sleeves stopping right before my elbows. Which had a thin brown belt going across the middle of my ribs. I wore matching brown pants, and simple slippers. The whole outfit wasn't so bad, an little airy, but I liked it. Much more liveable then Katara's jacket.


Later that day, as we ate lunch and sat around the fire, when suddenly we heard loud crashes. 


Of course Aang and Katara wanted to see what it was, while Sokka tried everything to not go. They all looked to me, and that's when I figured I was in trouble.

"Okay, Amaya, it's up to you... Don't you think we should check out the noise?" 

I pushed  my lips to the side of my face as I looked Katara and Aang. 

"NO! You DON'T! Please." 

I looked at Sokka in a glare as he grabbed me. I pushed him off of me, brushing my arms off. 

"Well, I'd really like to..., to see what it is." 

"Yeah!" "Ha, told you Sokka!" 

"If only we had another member of our team! Wait! Momo, and Appa! They count, and they don't want to go, right guys!?"

Appa yawned moving his head away from us, and Momma took a bite of fruit he was eating. Aang and Katara laughed at them, and then Sokka.

"Um, Sokka, the animals don't talk, so they don't count." I raised my eyebrows at him, and gave a small smudge smile.

"So we're going Amaya?" 

"I guess so!" 


"Oh come on, Sokka, it could be fun!" 

I gave him a huge fake smile as we dragged him off with us. Laughing.


We came to a clearing, hiding in the brush, as we spotted a young boy working on bending a rock. Tipping my head to the side, I wondered why he was alone.

"He's an Earth bender." 

Before I knew it Katara walked out from the clearing, introducing herself. In a fright,  the boy ran off. Tripping over the bush I had been hiding behind; I stumbled over to Katara.

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