Chapter 20

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I landed softly on the forest ground, my eyes scanning the unrecognizable terrain.

“I can’t believe it!”

I let out an angry grunt at myself, as I used my glider to blow a wave of air. I then tossed it to the ground in another angry scoff. In my joy of telling Isoa off, I lost my way. Knowing my anger was rising, I decided to take a break. Grabbing my closed glider, I used it as a drawing tool, and made figures in the dirt.

Okay, from Ba-Sing-Se I went south…. then traveled South West to Isoa's. When I took off the sun was to my back… Meaning I was flying towards the west.”

I looked up my eyes scanning the rainbow colored sky, the sun was setting. As my eyes fell back, I let out another angry grunt. Falling to my butt, I used my feet to destroy my cruelly drawn map.

“Well, looks like I’m camping here tonight… I hope there’s no wild animals nearby…”

In a rigged and uneven motion, I bended an earth tent around me, closing all but one wall. Crawling out, I walked around my little camp and gathered some twigs. Setting them up near my tent, I lit the fire in one small flick of my fingers. The sun had nearly set, the last few rays not making it past the dense tree tops. Curling into a small ball, I rubbed my hands over the fire, trying to make the chill bumps, which had risen up; fall

“Oh stomach, I'm sorry, we need food, but I have none. I will not risk the wild life just because you crave food, so now is time to shut up!”

I jumped when something suddenly came flying out from the forest. I had fallen back into my tent, holding the wall as my heart pounded. I stayed still, waiting for something- someone to come out. Whatever it was it was, it had missed my head by less than a foot- instead hitting my earth tent. When I was sure nothing else was going to happen, I begun to move again. Slowly I poked my head out. I looked around, and saw nothing. Then I looked to the right side of my tent, and picked up- of all things, a whole fruit. Holding it to my chest, I moved back into my tent before I really looked at it.

What the-

I sniffed it, it smelt so good. The sweet scent made my stomach growl once more, and I placed my free hand over it hoping that it would be silent. I poked my head out once more, and looked around, not seeing anyone. Despite the urge for food, and having some in my hands; my stomach turned.

"Um hello…” A surry noise off in the darkness around me made shutter back into my tent. “Who's there? I know you’re out there- I heard you… you-you threw this fruit at me… Please… don’t be scared."

Please don't let this be like the swamp.

I looked at the fruit again, and noticed it had a good side round hole it in and was slightly black around the edges. Looking back up, my eyes scanned my dark surroundings once more.

"Are you a fire bender?” I waited a few seconds but no reply came, “Um, Th-thank you for the food?"

Nothing, still. Huffing, I shook my head, as I rolled the fruit between my palms.

“That's it, I'm going crazy.”

I moved out of my tent slightly, and took a bite of the fruit. I held back a moan, as my eyes rolled in my head. I was about to take another when something came flying out of the  dark forest, and straight at me. I couldn't see what it was it moved so fast, all I saw was a red blob, before it was gone.


I fell back into my tent, this time blending the last wall up. I laid on my back frozen. I had never earth bended so quickly before. I waited, I thought if anything was attacking me or hitting my tent, I should hear a bump or shutter of some sort. Instead I heard nothing. Moving up, I made a small hole to peek out. Looking around, I couldn’t even see my hand. Whatever it was, it had taken my fire out. I prayed nothing else was out there, as I set a small flame on my finger. After a few tries, I had hit my kindle, and my fire was burning once more.

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