Author's Note & Acknowledgements With Surprise

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My original concept for Amaya and her story started up when the series’ first started out. As a kid growing up, I would, and still do sometimes, like to image myself within the show or movie I would be watching. I would fit myself into the story without changing it up…too much. Back then I was young, and my story line was…more or less… horrible. I had no name for my girl, and my plot line was very iffy. But also got older, and the show ended, I forgot about my little story line. It was a few years later, I was around 13/14, that I began to re-watch ATLAB on Nicktoons. Around that time I also began to write on Quibblo. After a few horrible Twilight fan fics (I was in for the views, but I got great writing practice), and a few original stories, it was rumored of Ledged of Korra would be coming out. As I worked to find out all I could about a sequel to one of my most fav. Shows, my original story (AKA Fan Fic) came floating back up into my mind. You as a reader should know what comes next.  As I finished it The Promise Part 1 came out, and I worked that through my last few chapters. By the time LOK premiered I was finished with my story. But my mind wasn’t. I never planned, nor wanted to continue Amaya’s story. That was why I ended her life with such honor, so that no one, mainly me, would get ideas about a 2nd story. As I watched LOK, I had no real idea for a fan fic at first. I was enjoying the series, and learning the fate of everyone and their kids. It was through getting the support, that I decided to write another one for the series. I’m currently working out the storyline for my LOK fan fic, and I can’t wait to get it out in the fall. I hope everyone will love it as much as me.

 My little preview was my first rough draft. I know everyone will love Zabri. She’s have mixture of Amaya, Zuko, her mother Raluna, and her own special spice that makes the 14 year old unforgettable. I can’t promise when that will be finished, but I hope to keep it as close as to the original as possible, with as much details and quotes from the show as I can get. Something I feel like I didn’t do enough in AMP.


I would like to thank every single person that worked on the original Avatar: The Last Air Bender. I mean, without them, we wouldn’t have the show, and I wouldn’t have the inspiration for A Moment, Please. To everyone who commented, favorite, and stared 5 stars back on Quibblo, thank you. It was their comments and love that kept me going on the whole book.  Without that, I would have never finished the story, and therefore never post it to Wattpad. To all of my loyal readers here on wattpad, thank you for reading. Every time I got an email saying I gained a new fan, it was almost always because someone fell in love with this story. Thank you, I hope you continue on to the next story of my Last Air Bender Fan Fics.

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