Chapter 35

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Everything passed me in a blur. I spun around in my room, smiling like a school girl. I felt like a princess, spinning around my room in my dress. It was beautiful, the most perfect reds, and a touch of light pink. I wore my hair all down, being it wasn't actually my wedding...yet. But I couldn’t help but feel a bit relived, and joyful. I was in love, and getting married. My life was turning in my favor. Finally.

(Dress is in External Link Box.) 

"You look beautiful."

I turned my attention from my reflection in the full length mirror to Zuko. I turned, facing him. My eyebrows rose, as I took a step forward.

"Well, this is surprise."

He leaned on my front door's frame. It was such a nice summer day, I had to let the afternoon light in.  And this is what I get.  Fire Lord Zuko, standing in my front door way.

"You weren't at the meeting."

My lips came together, and pushed out a bit. I knew he could not be for real.

"I had other things to attend to. My wedding, my future. I told you once I’m married; I’m not going to be flying all around. I want a family. Besides, Akio was there. He can represent both of us until the wedding." 

He let out a shaky breath, and then shook his head.  My eyebrows fell at his next comment

"You don't love him."

I was taken aback by this.  My eyes narrowed at him, as my head tipped to one side.

"What do you mean I 'don't love him'?" 

He pushed off from the door frame, he took a step towards me, I took one back.

"You can't love him. You love me." 

He walked closer to me, closing the gap between us. I soon hit the wall, as I shook my head. My eyes met his as I spat at him.

"No, Zuko, you're wrong. I don't love you. I love Akio, we're going to get married, and I'm finally going to have everything I ever dreamed of."

He grabbed my arms, holding them to my body. It wasn't very hard, but just enough to hold me down. He shook me, as I fought to get him off.

"But not with him."

I finally got his arms off, stepping over a few steps. I turned my back to him, trying to control myself. 

"Yes with him! You got Mai; you’re getting everything you want. Now let me get my happily ever after!"

He grabbed me, and pulled my body up to his. Before I could react, his planted his lips atop of mine.  While a huge part of me told me to fight it, I didn’t. The kiss… well it was amazing, to be frank. It was like this wave of lighting overcame my body, setting me alive. It was nothing like I felt with Akio. And it hurt me.

 When he pulled away he looked at me. While I hated to think it, I did enjoy the kiss a bit. But it was still very wrong. I was getting married, to Akio.

"I thought you didn't love me, but I see it in your eyes."

I shook my head no, pulling his arms off of me. I was getting married to Akio in only a few days. And what do I do to the one man who has done everything right for me? I cheat on him with my ex. I felt horrible.

“No, Zuko, leave. Now.”

 "On the day of your wedding I'll be under the Cherry Blossom tree in the southern garden. Meet me there at sunset, and I'll leave Mai. For you."

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