Chapter 28

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The cup of tea warmed the two cold hands that held it. Holding it up, the steam brushed my face as I took a small whiff. Up to this point, I had found nothing strange about this tea- minus the fact that Zuko made it. But if we were to be friends, then I needed to act at least civil to him.

Well, Zuko did live with Iroh for years; maybe he learned how to make his tea…

 I missed Iroh's tea, there was just something about the way he made it.

… I hope he doesn’t poison me.

I didn’t want to drink it. I really, really didn’t want to drink it.

I have to.

So I took a small sip, just as Zuko tried to tell a tea joke.

I'm not sure which made me chock more Zuko's un-ability to tell the joke right, or the awful tea he had made. Now I really missed Iroh's tea! I swallowed the gulp in my mouth, my body shivering as I did. When his back was turned from me, I let my tongue fall from my mouth in hopes to get the taste out. It didn’t work, at all, in fact I think it made it worst. Shutting my mouth in the hopes to not puke up everything, I slowly tipped the tea in my cup out.  It went silently down a crack in the floor and I sat my teat cup down once it was empty.

I declined a second cup.


Later that night, I was sound asleep, when Fang's roar awoke me from my slumber. My eyes opened, heavy with sleep.  I sat up, supporting myself on one as I rubbed my eyes.



My eyes widened at the sound, and I pushed my hair from my face. I looked around, it room seemed too empty, Fang was nowhere to be seen. I heard another roar, only this time it was from outside.


Jumping up, and groaning my thumping head, I grabbed my glider, running from my room. I made it out to the court yard. I stopped in the door way, my eyes trying to look within the dark. My first and only thoughts?

Who found us, and who would dare try to steal my dragon?

My little, lazy, dragon, of whom I loved so much and that only I could ever have ill feeling towards because we knew we loved each other no matter what.

Another rumble had my head turning, and my feet moving.

"Don't worry baby! Momma's a-comin!"

Coming around the corner, I saw Fang pacing near Appa, as someone tried to calm him down, another already waiting on Appa. The one on Appa slid to the ground, landing silently.  I ran onwards, those jerks trying to steal Appa! What was wrong with my dragon? Why didn’t they want him?

It doesn’t matter! I just need to save Appa! Perfect, stupid oafs. They messed with the wrong person!

Dropping my staff as I skidded to a stop; I bended the earth and shot it at the two thieves. The one still trying to climb onto Appa fell back as the earth encased him, and landed on his butt.  The other one, the one who slid off of his back, was rooted to the ground. Once I was sure they were stuck, I grabbed my staff, and rushed over to them.  I was about ready to bust their butts, until I saw their faces. I paused, and stared, as my head tipped to the side. I stabbed my staff into the ground and shook my head.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

The moon shone on Zuko, and Sokka. My eye brows creased together, and Fang, a few feet away, let out a contempt sigh. He then curled into a ball, his part played, and closed his eyes. The lazy, but loyal, dragon fell back sleep.

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