Chapter 23

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I saw Zuko; he was relaxing on a beach. I knew the beach or I thought I knew it, but I couldn’t remember...Ember Island, of course. Sitting beside him was her, he was there with her. Getting her ice cream yet all she did was reject it with a scowl. She was just being her weird Emo self. I sat a few feet behind them, and watched him with pure hatred. I hate him- I hated her- I hated them both! I hated the way they looked at each other, the way they touched and held each. How the look he gave her… was… the exact…no, near identical one he…he’d give me. He had told me he loved him. I had loved him. He had lied. He was a liar.

"Hey! Amaya!"

I opened my eyes, casted them up to stop the forming tears from falling. With a deep breath, I brought my head down and looked around. I was no longer on Ember Island; I was sitting at the edge of the lake, the water hitting me right below my belly button. A few feet beyond me Katara was jumping out of the water and landed on the bank with a small hiss. She had been jumping around as if she just touched something too hot.

"You were boiling the water! Ow- I think- I think you burned me!"

I pulled myself up onto the dirt, and sure enough all my skin below my belly button was a pinkish red. I had barely been out of the water but the skin was already starting to blister in some spots. I moved towards Katara, standing exposed on the bank.

"Oops, sorry- I um, I didn’t realize what I was doing."

“What were you thinking about? I could tell you were deep in thought.”


Moving away, I grabbed my robe- which had been tossed to the side of the bank and pulled on and over. Moving up to left my feet in the water, as I sat there thinking. 


Sometime later, as we still camped by the lake, I was laying against Fang, enjoying myself, when Toph screamed out.

"There's a metal man heading our way!"

I sat up, Fang’s head going up with me. Giving him a small pet, I casted my head to look towards Toph.

"Toph are feeling okay?"

I got up, Fang’s eyes following me, and walked over to her. No man could be made out of metal! 


With a scream, I was knocked out the way, as Fang’s body pushed bass me. He had taken defense and literally landed his body over my own. Pieces of rocks hit my face, as I laid there stunned.

“Okay, so… I was wrong.”

Pushing Fang to move, I jumped up as soon as he did. Without thinking of which element I would use, I begun to fire bend. I threw a few fire balls, slipped out a fire whip, but nothing was working! With everyone move I tossed at him, he would toss three more at my direction.

I wanted to pull my hair out as I finally took cover; the gang had been nagging me for a good five minutes before I did. Slipping down, I looked over to the gang. They had no clue what to do, and frankly I didn't either. So we did what we do best, we swung it.

"You guys fly out, and I'll distract him."

We nodded, and glanced from our hiding spot.


"Fang fly!"

As Fang took off, I jumped upon his back and faced my body towards the man. I lashed out a fire whip at him, and he fought back with a move ten times stronger… what a surprise.

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