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Soon after, Zuko and I married. One of the best things that could happen to me, did. Plus I got to see all of my friends. I had missed them all, but I didn’t want to risk seeing them. I loved writing to them, but seeing them was the best gift I could have gotten on that day.

Soon after I became “Fire Lady Amaya”, Suki and Sokka got married. I was there, sitting in the second row on Sokka’s side. I remember going up to him before the wedding.


He glanced at me, and  folded his hands. I slowly walked over to him.

“Hey- hey, what are you doing? Amaya! Amaya!”

I walked over to him, and gave him a hug.

“I swear if you ever make the mistake of leaving her, I will personally see to your destruction.”

“I-I Promise…Can’t-can’t breathe!”

A few year later, I gave birth to my first child, a little boy who we named Kenji. He was the most perfect mixture of Zuko and I. Zuko’s wonderful looks, and well mine too, but my attitude. He was born an earth bender, something taken from me. Two short years later came our last two children; two adorable little girls.  We named one Ursa, after Zuko’s mother, and the other Laluna, after the moon and sea. They looked exactly the same, but were polar opposites of each other. It was quite funny in deed. Ursa was a fire bender, like her father, while Laluna was an air bender, something I was quite proud of.

Life was pretty much well after that, well, until... Iroh’s untimely death. We consider that the “Year of Darkness”. Because soon after Iroh’s death, I nearly lost my little boy. He came down with an unknown illness, that no doctor could cure. We came so close to losing him, he was sleeping almost every single day, getting weaker. As always, I prayed to La and Yue to help, and they did indeed. My little boy was saved, but it came with a price. He awoke to blackness. The illness had stolen his sight from him, but spared him his life. While it destroyed me to have him lose something so valuable, he had the most valuable thing of all. I was grateful to Toph, who not only explained it to him, but was willing to teach him still. Not only did he continue on with his earth bending, he learned to see with his feet as Toph. While on the outside, my marriage to Zuko looked like a dream it was anything but. We  were hitting a rough patch, with nearly losing Ken, and we couldn’t see eye to eye. It seemed like every time we spoke, we fought. I feared for my marriage at one point.

It happened in the throne room. I had allowed Kenji to go to go visit Aang and Katara, who were in town for a few days.

"He's not helpless, Zuko!" 

We stood, fighting with each other.

"He's blind, how much more helpless can he be!?" 

"How can you say that? You're just as bad as Toph's parents were! He has talent, a gift that you need to learn to embrace! He’s a growing boy who wants to do things! What am I supposed to do? Say no every time? What kind of mother would I be? Give him the freedom he needs." 

"You're too careless with him!" 

"You're too uptight with him!" 

"He's a child, how loose do you want me to be!?" 

"I want you to accept him!" 

"I do!" 

"No! Don’t you dare say you do! Because you do not! You're turning into your father with all the rules, and 'don't do this' or 'don't do that'. He's a child, allow him be one!" 

A Moment, Please.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin