Chapter 10

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We were lead to meet the Chief, and his daughter, Princess Yue. They stood among a great crowd that had gathered at the news of our arrival.

"People of the Northern Water Tribe, please welcome our family from our sister Nation, of the Southern Water Tribe. Along with Sokka and Katara, we have two honored guest, Amaya, of the Fire Nation who has aided our family members, and Aang, our long awaited Avatar!"

The crowd went wild. I gave a small smile, as I always did. It was the same thing for every place. The Avatar gets announced and people go mad. Woo. Hoo.

After the clapping died down, he continued to speak.

"Now, let us feast, and enjoy Master Pakku's show. In celebration of our guest, and my daughter's 16th birthday!" 

The water show was classic and traditional… but it was still mind blowing.

Wow, this is amazing! I- I could be doing that one day!

My chest swelled with the thought one day I would be doing those moves. I was enjoying my food, when I overheard Sokka, who was sitting next to Katara and Yue. I was on Katara's other side, ease dropping- listening. 

"You know Yue back in my tribe I'm kind of like a prince myself."

"Prince of what, Sokka?"

I snorted out a laughed, and nodded with agreement to Katara. Embarrassed, he casted an angry look towards us. Yue’s gaze followed his, only hers was more curios.

"Oh, um."

I looked away, down at my food, then back at the show. Under my breath I mumbled, to myself.

"Someone's a little touchy." 

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed a piece of food. Shoving it into my mouth, I held in a laugh. Sokka had a thing for the Princess!

"Master Pakku, meet Aang, Katara, and Amaya."

We all bowed, as we greeted him. He gave a small head nod.

"I'm really looking forward to learning water bending, Master Pakku. As are my two friends here, after we have a few days rest of course."

"You will receive no special treatment, just because you are destined to save the world. If you are interested in learning Water bending, then you will be ready at sunrise."

Aang nodded, and I glanced over to Kat. Her smile was large, and grand. I gave a small smile, sighing inwardly. 

As the sun rose the next morning, Katara and I chatted quietly to each other at how happy we were to be learning water bending and what moves we could start with and other girly soft talk along that line.

"Good morning- what are they doing here?"

Aang looked around.


"Those girls."

"You mean Katara, and Amaya? They're here to learn water bending."

"It's forbidden for women to learn water bending. You should head over to the healing hut. There women learn to use their water bending for healing." 

Well, how rude!

"If my friends don’t learn, then neither do I!"

"Aang, no! You can’t risk your learning for us!"

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