Chapter 3

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"Zuko, where are you taking us now?" 

I was sick of seeing only sea. I was ready to step foot on land, get some practice in. Since my earthbending was worse then my water bending. And the fact that my water bending was made up of four moves: drawing water in a stream; making a wave; healing small,minor wounds; and holding water; my earth bending was non existent.

"We're following the Avatar." 

I sighed as tossed my upper torso over the rail, and watched the moving water. I glanced over to him, binging my hand to my cheek; resting my elbow on the rail.

"Really Zuko?" 

"Yes, Amaya! I need to catch him. You don't know what it's like to loose it all." 

I raised and eyebrow, and pushed my lips out.

"Actually Zuko, I do. But you wouldn't remember that now would you? So caught up in your own pity." 

I turned back to the ocean, ready to pull my own hair out.

"My own pity?" 

He came closer to me, and I turned my gaze back to him as my hand fell. I straightened my back out, ready to stand my ground.

"Yes, I swear Zuko, sometimes you're so heartless!" 

"I'm heartless? You're the most heartless person I've ever met!" 


We stepped closer to each other, our voices rising.

"Yes you! Always having an attitude!" 

"Well at least I'm not some dumb-banished insensitive, stupid-oaf for a brain has-been PRINCE!" 

"At least I wasn't cursed, like you! No wonder everyone thought you were worthless!" 

I grabbed his shirt, pulling his face close to my own furry filled one, leaving us an inch from each other. 

"I'm not the cursed one, you are with that scar! You're no better then a piece of meat, you're wrong I"m not worthless; you're the worthless one." 

I pushed him to the ground, with a hard shove. He landed, and slid an inch away from the force of my push. I spun on my heels, and made my way below deck.



"Yes cherry blossom?" 

"Am I... strange?" 

She made a face at me in the mirror, her eyebrows falling. She pushed back a strand of my hair, showing off my rounded facial features. My heart shape was a smaller, fatter version of her own.

"No, you're not strange. Why would you think that?" 

"Well, I don't know. It's just everyone I know who can bend, can only bend on element... and I can bend all four... am I- could I be...the Avatar?"

She shook her head, and rested it on top of mine. She embraced me, pulling me tight against her. I could feel her steady, soft heart beat.

"No, you're not," 

She turned me in her arms to face her,

"But that doesn't make you any less special. Always remember that my cherry blossom." 

Turning back around, she twisted my hair up, and snugly stuck a comb in the bun. It was a beautiful gold color comb with little pink cherry blossoms on it.  She looked at me in the mirror, and smiled. The same stray hair fell onto my forehead, she pushed it back; gently running her finger tips over my head.

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