Chapter 33

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As promised before, these chapters are short, so I'm uploading ANOTHER chapter. Short, but still a chapter.

"I....want to... I want to… to… to go." 


"But why!?" 

"Because you nearly died yesterday. No coronation for you!"

“See, I deserve to go!”

I looked up at Kat, giving her my best sad eyes. Though my chest hurt with every breath, I wanted to be there. To see Zuko crowed as Fire Lord. She stared at my eyes.  I sat in my small bed, my whole chest wrapped up. I was recovering from my fatal wound I had gained from Azula. Katara looked at me, my eyes begging.

"Ugh! Fine! But only for a little bit!"

I smiled, unable to do any more. All of my friends had come to visit me during my first night in the hospital. I was over joyed to see everyone was safe and okay.  I was also amazed by their stories on defeating the Fire Nation Army.  They were quite amazing.

I sat in chair with wheels on it, almost like Teo’s, as Zuko gave his speech. I wore a beautiful near pale pink dress with even paler blue swirls.

 I looked around, finding all of my friends. He spoke about how he would be better than his father and grandfather. It was really touching but what got me was his last part:

And now I want to thank my friends, a huge thank you to Katara. I know we had our rough times, but in the end we both came out strong. My biggest thanks of all, though, should go to my.. dear friend, Amaya. She nearly gave her live to save my own.”

He glances over to me, holding a hand out for everyone to see who I am.

“ Amaya, Thank you. Without her, I would not be standing here today…”

I sat down, holding my chest. I took a deep breath, my first one in a while.  It had been a few weeks since the war officially ended. Ozai was locked up, powerless, with a major blow to his pride. All the nations were celebrating the new found freedom, and we were all together enjoying tea at Iroh's new shop! 

I watched from my seat as Mai kissed Zuko. I sighed, glancing away. My chest hurt from my wound, but also from my heart. 

I chose this. I told him to go away. So why does it still hurt?


Toph came over, and sat down. I glanced up to her.


"How's your wound?" 

"Better. Still hurts a lot."

I wore a huge bandage over my chest, and wore a one-shoulder dress. Mainly because I couldn't really move my left arm all that much. So I had one long sleeve, and one bare arm. My dress was the most beautiful of purples and faint pinks. I wore my hair pulled ever so much out of my face, but mainly down.  The front layers were pulled back into a low lying bun, with a few flowers weaved in.

I sighed, glancing down. I played with a stray string on my dress.



"Do you think I'll ever find 'the one’?" 

"Yeah, why wouldn't you?" 

I looked up to Zuko, and then back down, and then Toph.

"Because it feels like I never will." 

"Don't worry you will." 

Sokka, Mr. big artiest, decided he wanted to “document the moment” of us all sitting in the tea shop, but the stupid oaf seems to forgets that he can’t draw! I mean, does he not remember his posters of Appa?

"I look like Momo!"

I looked at Sokka, and slapped my hand over the picture.  I bent down to his level as I pointed.

"What is that!?" 

I pointed to what looked to be two different people put together.  They were both ugly looking, and had the figure of a bear. It was a horrid recreation of me.

“Are you kidding me Sokka? The Ember Island players did better with recreating me, and half the time I was a man-lady! I do not look like that! Why if I wasn't in so much pain I'd-" 

"I think you all look great!" 

I stopped at the sound of Toph’s voice. I broke out into a smile as I turned. Toph always knew what to say. I let out a few painful chuckles, as everyone else enjoyed the setting sun. 

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