Pete Imagine: You're Worth It

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"(Y/N), come back!" Pete yelled as you ran into the woods. You ran to your favorite place, the treehouse and got inside. Nobody knew where it was at, except for you. You curled up into a ball and cried. Pete probably hated you know because you ran away from him. All of this because someone threatened you if didn't get away from him. When Pete saw you crying, he went to go hug you, but you pushed him off and here you are. Alone. In the middle of the night in the woods.

"Goddamn it (Y/N)," someone sighed. You looked out the window and saw Pete catching his breath as he propped himself against a tree.

You kept yourself quiet as you carefully watched the man look for you. You couldn't be near him. You didn't want to be near him, but again, you wanted him. You wanted him to cradle you. You wanted him to kiss you and tell you that you were going to be fine.

You were too busy in thought to realize that someone was climbing the ladder.

"(Y/N)?" Pete asked while popping his head through the hole in the floor. He saw your body curled in a ball and sat next to you.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing," you mumbled.

"Something is because you ran away," he said while holding you. You wanted to pull away, but you couldn't. You didn't want to pull away.

"I don't deserve you Pete," you whispered. "I don't deserve you or the world."

"I'm confused," he said.

"Somebody threatened me Pete! Your fans hate me! You'll probably better off without me," you said while bringing your knees to your chest.

"I'll never be better off with you. It's hell without you."

"Pete, they hate me!" You yelled as tears fell from your eyes. "They actually go tell me to go kill myself."

"I'm going to solve that once and for all," he said while pulling his phone out.

He loaded up Snapchat and started to take a video.

"Guys, please be nice to my girlfriend," he stated, "she's been through a lot lately. She makes my entire life better than it already is. If you have a problem, then ignore it. Don't take your anger out on her, she has done nothing wrong."

He kissed your cheek and stopped the video and posted it to Snapchat and Instagram. Soon apologies were popping up everywhere.

"Thank you, Pete," you said while hugging him.

"You're welcome, darling."

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