Holiday. <Michael Sutthakorn>

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"Michael, put me down!" You shout at your best friend. He had you swung of his shoulder and he was walking closer to the sea, threatening to throw you in.

"Or what?" He said laughing, you carried on punching his back. "For god sake, (Y/N) you're so weak, your punches don't hurt, babe." He said still laughing.

"Michael, please." You plead, as he gets dangerously close to the sea. "BEN!" You call for help from the others, you can't shout that loud as you're in the middle of laughing.

You hear his feet splash into the sea. You feel him chuckle from underneath you.

"Ready?" He said still laughing finding himself funny. He flung you into the sea, you went under for a moment and after about ten seconds you came up gasping for air.

"Michael. Sutthakorn. You're. Dead." You say slowly, his face drops as you chase him along the sea. You jump on him and he falls to the floor. You both lay on your backs looking in each others eyes laughing together.

"(Y/N), have you ever thought of being more than best friends?" He said looking you straight in the eye. You think for a moment, you have thought about yourself and Michael being together, but you didn't think it would happen.

"I guess I have." You say shrugging his shoulders at his question.

"What do you think about it?" He said giving you a tilted smile.

"I think..." You trail of thinking about what you will say next. "I think, I'd like it." You admit. You look at him and he smiles.

"I think, I'd like it too." He said taking one of your hands in his. "Do you want to be more than friends?" He said rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.

"I would, love to be more than friends Michael." You say smiling straight at him. He leans slowly, he was about to kiss you until.

"Why were you two about to kiss?" Ben cuts in.

"Because were together." You say bluntly.

"You are?" He said surprised, you nod. "GEORGE, DAN MICHAEL AND (Y/N) ARE TOGETHER!" Ben shouts down the sea.


Hi guys,

I hope you like some of the imagines I've done so far. I understand they're not the best but I do try.

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