Be my girlfriend? //mike&jamie\\

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(Jamie's POV)

I have a best friend Michael, he is gorgeous, he is like my own little teddy bear all I want to do is hug him, which he lets me do.

I didn't think I had any feelings towards him until the last time we went out, it was only a walk around out local area but we kissed.

It wasn't awkward either afterwards we both just giggled, I kind of wished that he would ask me out but nothing. Once the kiss was over he shoved his hands back in his pockets.

I don't think he likes me back, I think that he thinks that the kiss was all one big mistake. In my eyes it was no mistake when I saw him leaning in I wasn't going to back away I wanted the kiss. Maybe, Mike just got caught up in the moment and couldn't come back from it.. Yes, that's it. He didn't want it.

I flop down on my bed making a loud thud. I let out a massive sigh, I didn't know what to do. Since that day Mike and I haven't spoke once. Usually we text everyday, even if it's for about five minutes but it still happens.

"Jamie." My mum called from the stairs. I walk out and stand at the top of the stairs looking down on my mum who had the phone pressed to her chest.

"Yes?" I said with a hint of attitude that wasn't meant to be in my voice. She didn't seem to notice it, all I noticed was the massive smile on her face.

"It's Michael, he would like to speak to you." She smiled, I felt my heart flutter. I suddenly got butterflies, I slowly walked down the stairs covered in peach carpet.

My mother hands me the phone, and walks out of the hallway. I press the phone to my ear and wait for him to start the convocation... Not that he would of heard me I just didn't want to start the convocation.

"Jamie." Michael said in a serious voice.

"Yes?" I squeaked, I'm scared of what he has got to say he seems so serious and like he is about to break something to me.

"The other day." He said, his tone still serious. "Was a mistake."

Right at that moment my heart broke.. I don't want it to be a mistake, it can't be a mistake.

"A mistake?" I croak. Not wanting to sound desperate for him, I am though.

"Jamie, there can't be an us." He squeaked his tone now upset.

This phone calls just gets better doesn't it. First the kiss was a mistake, then, all of the sudden there can't be an us.

"Michael, you probably don't know this but I want there to be an us. Ever since that kiss I've had some sort of feelings towards you and I'm going to be honest with you, I want there to be an us. I understand if you don't want us to be something, but you have no idea how much with in them couple of sentences you've broke my heart." I said without stoping.

"I never-"

"Don't worry, I'm going to go I feel humiliated." I quickly said hanging up the phone before I started crying on him.

I'm emotional I know but how would you like it if your crush rang you up telling you that there is no chance of the both of you being a couple.

I ran up the stairs hoping no one in my house would see me break down.

I reach my room and flop on my bed I stare at the celling unaware of what to do next.

So.. He really doesn't like me.

Having that one thing play on my mind made my eyes water once again, but realisation hit me. Why did I think Mike and I would ever be more than friends? I don't know how many times he has friendzoned me, and god did each and every one of them times hurt.

"Jamie." My mother called up the stairs once again. I pull myself up, wiping my eyes and looking in the mirror to check my appearance. I didn't look myself, but I didn't look bad.

"Yes." I call walking to the top of the stairs once again. I wait for her to reply but my mum isn't at the bottom of the stairs, it was Michael.

"Michael, you made it clear you don't want to be with me." We every word I spoke another stair he would climb to get closer to me. "You don't have to come here an-"

"Jamie, shut up and let me speak." He said pressing his finger to my lips. I nod in reply. "I came here to tell you that you mean a lot to me, and I was thinking about what i said about their can't be an us. And I came to the conclusion that there can be an us.." He's words come out as smooth as a nervous person could.

"Mike, if you are doing this to make me feel better you are doing a good job but, if you don't really like me save me my feelings and leave." I said in the sad tone.

"Jamie, I do think there can be an us, and I want there to be." He bluntly put.

"Really?" I squeaked.

"Yes." He said kissing me on the lips. It felt just as nice as last time, but this time better. I new that he wanted to kiss me, I didn't feel like it was forced.

I pulled away, and blushed. He giggled, his giggle was the cutest thing.

(a/n: omg, Jamie, I am so sorry it took so long. I'm sorry it's not even that good but I hope you still like it babe,x)

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