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(Tasha's POV)

"Tasha!" Ben called up the stairs. "Tasha!" He called again, this boy is so impatient.

"Ben, I'm nearly ready!" I shouted slipping on my jean shorts.

"Well hurry up, babe!" He said moving away from the stairs. I finished of getting dressed and grabbed my sunglasses and back pack and made my way down the stairs.

I pushed the glasses on to the top of my head, I strolled down the stairs as slowly as I could to annoy Ben. I saw him in the living room with his back to the door way. Once I was down the stairs and sprinted towards Ben and jumped on his back causing him to fall to the ground.

"You. Are. Dead." He chuckled grabbing my sides and started tickling me. I started to squirm and try and break away from his grip, there was no hope! He was way to strong for me.

"Stop Ben." I squealed, trying to pull his hands away from my sides. He laughed standing up, he offered his hand out to help me up which I happily took.

"C'mon, let's go to the beach!" He shouted, he pointed to the door way. I pulled my sunglasses down in front of my eyes and made my way outside into the car.

"Let's go!" He said once we were in the car and strapped in. It was a boiling hot day today! We pulled the windows down all the way letting the wind come through the windows, there wasn't much wind, but when a breeze came past it was lovely.

Ben turned up the radio really loud, Midnight Memories by One Direction came on.

" STRAIGHT OF THE PLANE TO A NEW HOTEL, DOW DOW DOW DOW DOW, JUST TOUCHED DOWN YOU COULD NEVER TELL." Ben screamed at the top of his lungs, I was crying with laughter I loved how he added the 'Dow' bits.

After about an hour of Ben's worst singing we finally arrived at the car park, that was beside of the beach.

"C'mon, I wanna sun bathe Ben!" I groaned, I pulled myself out of the car. I was wearing a belly top, with short jean shorts. I had my bikini on underneath but, I didn't want to arrive in just a bikini.

Ben and I walked down the stairs and on to the beach. As soon as my feet touched the sand, it burned my feet. Ben gripped my hand and entwined our fingers. Once we had the perfect spot we got in to our swimming things, well, we just had to take things off, we already had it on.

I laid the towel out, and laid down. Ben laid next to me, staring at me. I giggled, he didn't know I could see him doing it as I had sunglasses covering my eyes.

"Enjoying staring at me?" I chuckled, I put my glasses up on to the top of my head so I could see him properly. I saw his cheeks go red. I sat up and moved a little closer to him, I kissed his cheek.

"Let's go in." He said pointing to the sea. We didn't bring a lot so it didn't bother us that we had to leave our things on the towels.

"I'll race you there!" I jumped up and started to run towards the sea. I turned my head once I was half way towards the sea, Ben was right behind me. He grabbed me by the waist and picked me up. He spun around planting me on the ground and ran of.

I eventually found myself in front of the sea, no, I didn't win.

"You're mean!" I moaned at Ben. He laughed wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"No." He started. "You're just slow." He laughed, I swatted his chest playfully. I felt the two strong arms of Ben travel around the sides of my hips and pick me up, I squeal. He carries me towards the shore. There was no getting away from it now. Ben was going to chuck me in!

"Ready, princess?" He whispered in your ear. Even though he was about to throw you into the ocean, I still couldn't help the fact that I got major butterflies in my stomach when he called me princess. I loved that pet name, it was so cute.

"Not really, babe." I replied chuckling. What's the worst that could happen? Oh, yep, I could drown. That's a risk Ben is willing to take. "I could drown." I informed Ben. I felt him put me down, and in tangle his arms from around my waist.

"I don't want you to drown." Born frowned. I walked closer to him putting both of my hands flat against his chest. He looked in to my eyes and smiled the biggest smile I've seen Ben smile in ages. He tangled his arms around my waist entwining his hands together at the bottom of my back. Ben traced his fingers up and down my back, it tickled a little bit but I didn't show it.

"Tasha?" Ben asked getting my attention. I nodded not wanting to speak, "Thank- you." He paused looking down. "Thank-you, for being the best thing that has ever happened to me. You constantly make me smile, every second of every day." He finished he laughed a nervous laugh.

"I want you too know, I love you." Ben whispered so only him and I could hear.

"I want you too know, that..." I paused. I knew it made him nervous. "I love you too."

I heard a sigh of relief leave his lips. I loved Ben a lot, he meant everything to me. I don't know what I'd do if I ever let him go or if he ever let me go.

Ben and I laid on the beach for a bit longer, I felt Ben's arm slip around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I looked up at him, Ben had a angry look on his face. He wasn't staring at me or at the sea, he was staring at a group of boys who were staring back at us.

"What's up, babe?" I asked putting my finger on his chest tracing it up and down.

"They keeps staring at you and making comments." Ben said his grip getting tighter on my waist as we speak.

"What comments?" I asked curiously.

"Saying that you're sexy, and hot." He shivered. "You're my girlfriend, not there's!" He states angrily.

I nodded, I sat up on my knees making sure that the boys were watching I kissed Ben. A long kiss, not a peck. I pulled away to reveal Ben smiling up at me.

"Damn, she's taken." One of the boys muttered walking of along the beach with the rest of his 'gang'.

"I love you, so much." Ben said grabbing my hips and pulling me down. Then, he started to tickle me, he always does this.

"I love you so much, too." I raised my eyebrows. We both smiled, I looked along the sandy beach. The sand was burning my feet, that was how hot it was today.

We stayed on the beach talking and laying down in front of the sun for a bit longer, it soon became dark. We decided to make our way home.

This has been such a perfect day, so perfect.

( a/n; yep, here is another imagine for Tasha. guys, thank you for the reads and votes, love you beauties lots! keep reading, you could go and read my other fan fic, it's a Harry styles, it's called 'Ever Thought' yep! Thanks again!)

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