Who to choose? (Part 2)

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(Rebekah's POV)

"You did what?!" George screeched. We were currently standing outside the flat. George had just got a call from our mum saying that she is staying for another week, she got her ticket extended.

"It was a mistake, I'm sorry!" I shouted back. He began unlocking the flat once again. We entered the flat, safe too say George was furious.

"How can kissing two boys be a mistake, Rebekah?!" George shouted, all three of the boys could hear as we are now inside the flat. The three heads turned to face me, two sad faces and one confused.

"Well fucking done, George!" I screech. "I'm glad I'm leaving in another week, hopefully that gives you time to realise that everyone makes mistakes!" I continued shouting, I grabbed my suitcase that I had recently packed, I hoisted it up and stormed to my room.

I got there and threw my bag on the floor, I didn't care that there were things in that bag that could break. I was in such a strop. George, thought that Dan and Mike could do no wrong, they were the ones who leant in first.

I let out a loud scream, it let out my frustration. I didn't care that the three boys and George could hear me! I'm glad they could hear me, they could realise how pissed I was!

I crawled on to the bed wrapping myself up in the covers. I crashed my head into the pillows, I slowly fell into a deep sleep.

I was woke up to someone shaking me, I didn't bother looking up at the person. I don't want to talk to anyone, in all honesty I was over reacting but George thinks I'm the bad guy. Mike and Dan, they were just as bad as me.

They kept rocking my body from side to side. I finally gave in and pulled my head up of the pillows and turned to face the person trying to wake me up.

"What do you want?" I said harshly. I do not care, what I sound like. He is just as bad as me for kissing him.

"Hello to you to princess." He laughed. His strong Irish accent, was so cute. It was hard to stay mad at him, he had the cute face which made it hard to stand your ground with him.

"Oh no, don't call me princess, we'll get in trouble." I replied sarcastically. He chuckled, I looked at him and gave him a serious look, which ended up as a glare. I know, I know he is trying to make things better by trying to cheer me up but, it'll only cause more shit.

"You said it was a mistake." Michael frowned refering to the kiss. I know I said it was a mistake because that was, what it was a mistake, right?

"Why does it matter?" I said bluntly, I took my phone of the dresser and started scrolling through my twitter. I'm guessing the MAD fans had found out I'm Georges little sister I've suddenly got lots of follows of, off MAD fans.

"Because it does. okay!" Michael said angrily. I dont care that he is angry, he'll come round. I know that sounds bitchy, but what am I meant to do, tell him everything is okay? Well, its not.

"I am sorry!" I said sarcastically throwing my hands in the air. I saw his jaw clench. "Why, you dont like me! It doesn't matter, its not like you'd go for a girl like me is it-" I was cut of by a pair of lips crashing into mine, I tried to pull away but Michael kept pulling me closer. In the end I decided not to fight it. He pulled away and ran his hand down the side of my face and stared into my eyes.

"It's me, or Dan." He said crawling of the bed and heading to the door. I don't want to loose either of them, but I guess I'm going to have too. Does he mean as something more than a friend? Or just a friend? If he is telling me not to be friends with Dan, that cannot happen. I'm not loosing a friend over a stupid kiss.

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