< ben pryer >

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(Brooklyn's POV)

I'm currently sitting in class, watching the clock hoping for the day to go by faster. All of the popular boys are talking, no scrap that they aren't talking. They're shouting, it's starting to piss me off. I'm trying to do work, well, no, I just don't want to hear them talking about girls 24/7.

"Damn, she's fit." Dan shouted, making all of the other popular kids laugh. Okay, this is the last straw one more thing and I'm saying something.

"God, she is hot!" I heard the famous Ben Pryer say. I spun my head around to face the bunch of idiots looking down at a phone.

"Please note, girls aren't temperatures." I cockily said. I stuck to my word, I did say something. They looked at me with blank expressions, fucking idiots. "You know the word 'hot' is genuinely used when you are describing what heat something is."

"Oh." Michael said blankly. You can tell I'm in the bottom set at the moment.

"Well, how about you put your headphones in so you can't hear us darling." Ben smirked, I want to slap him so much right now, actually Id like to punch him.

"What if I don't, Pryer?" I smirk back. Two can play at this game, idiot.

"Well." He said moving closer to me, he took a seat on the chair that is placed next to mine. "I'll make you." He whispered.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?" I smirk, he blushed because he just got caught out. "Well, I have a boyfriend so, I wouldn't."

"I'd be the crap out of that dick any day." He cocked an eyebrow. He was gorgeous admittedly, his eyes were beautiful, and his hair you just wanted to run your fingers threw it.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm joking." I smile. "We broke up." I added, it's true Jack and I broke up. He cheated, so I ended it. Simple.

"So, would it be okay to take you on a date?" He confidently asked. I sucked in a breath threw my teeth, smirking a little to show the idiot I'm joking. Ben can be a nice guy but he chooses his moments.

"If you stop talking about girls long enough to let me get on with my work." I joke. He raises an eyebrow. "Of course I will." I add, he smiled. A genuine smile, not the stupid smirk he always has plastered on his face.

"Tonight, at four?" He asked. I nodded liking the way it sounds. He got up out the chair and kisses my fore head, I heard wolf whistles from behind me, I looked to my left to find some girls giving me dirty looks.

He winked at me a walked off.

He is beautiful...

(a/n: quick update. pretty crap, thanks for all the votes and reads I love all of you beauties!)

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