in need of a friend (ben pryer)

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Dear Diary,

Sometimes I think that I am worthless, like no one could ever love me no matter how much I try. I'm never going to be loved, I have no one to love me. I'm a waste of oxygen. I shouldn't be allowed to waste this much air.... I thought I'd write this down seeming as no one listens.

Love Ebony.

Writing my feelings down sometimes helps, not all of the time. Not in this case. When I am feeling this down there is only one thing that can help me.

It's the small blade I keep under my jewellery box. You all think I am crazy because people without problems think it is a stupid idea, and I should just get therapy. Well, I'm gonna say something it's hard to tell people about your feelings when absolutely everyone thinks you're crazy. Even people who think they can help me, they all fail.

"Time for school." My Dad said sternly from the hallway. I nodded, I took one last glance in the mirror hating what I could see i sighed and walked of down the hall.

"Ebony-Louise hurry up. Get in the car." My Dad shouted from the car, I picked up the speed and ran down the carpet covered stairs. I reached the car, opening the door I plopped down in the seat.

"What's that?" My Dad said pointing to the cut on my arm, in all honesty he didn't care. He has asked me the same question a couple of days ago.

"I told you remember." I said testing whether or not he really remembered. I turned to look at me and gave me a weird look. "The thorn bush." I lied. Of course I didn't get scratched by a thorn. I used my best friend, the blade.

"Ah, yes. You do need to be careful Ebony-Louise." He said using my full name which he knew really annoyed the hell out of me.

"Dad, could you please just call me Ebony?" I said in a stern voice I didn't want to be called by my full name twenty-four-seven.

"It's your name, deal with it." He said looking at me out of the corner of his eye. "Now get out." He said as we pulled up in front of the school I go too.

I stepped out of the car and faced the school that I didn't want to be at. I strolled into school and looked nervously around the hallway.

My first class was art, I was terrible at drawing. I was hopeless at drawing.. Just like I was hopeless at everything.

I reached my class, and as time got on I started to enjoy my class there was a new boy next to me and his name was Ben, he wore a SnapBack which the teacher asked him to take of several times but yet he never did.

"So are you ready to paint it?" He laughed looking down at our terrible drawing which was spread across the table. I laughed and walked over the the paint shelf and pulled as many colours of as I could.
We took our Blazers off and put them on the back off our chairs. I rolled up my long sleeved shirt and rolled it pretty high up my arm.

I started painting the sea blue, i looked at Ben who was just staring at me.

"What?" I asked confused as to why he was staring at me in surprise.

"Your arms." He whispered, he ran along the scars the were buried deep with in my arm. I gulped and tried pulling them down, it didn't work.... He pulled them back up.

"Ebony, why?" He said sitting down on the seat, I shrugged off course I wanted to tell but it wouldn't come out. "Let go." He said pulling my arm, as well as his bag and mine. We ran outside of the classroom.

We sat on some steps that were outside of school, I gulped and looked down at the horrible scars that are on my skin.

"Why?" He asked with his head in his hands.

"My life is harsh too me, my mum and dad leave me in the house on my own and I have no way off eating or occupying myself. I sit there and ponder about things- I just can't take anything anymore, I know that it is no ones fault but mine and the only person who is going to solve it is me but it almost seems impossible too stop. Everyone in this school hates me, I was surprised you wanted to talk to me. I'm not the most interesting girl ever, am I? I feel alone. I have no friends...."

"I'll be your friend" he said kissing my forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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