Ben Pryer

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(Lucy's POV)

I've been with Ben for I don't know, a year and a bit now. I love him, I can truly say that but I don't think he feels the same way about me...

Ben and I are currently in town, shopping. He seems so distant, I think it is time to confront him about why he doesn't pay attention to me like he used to.

"Dan is coming to town, we're meeting him." He said pushing his shades in front of his eyes. Controlling, Ben doesn't control me, I need to show him that.

"Oh, right, do you mean YOURE meeting him?" I said saying the word 'you're' a little louder than the volume I used with the rest of the sentence.

"Maybe you want to go back to the apartment, because you're being all snotty I don't need to put up with your shit." He snapped, I looked at him with a disgust look on my face.

"You know what, have fucking fun with Dan and if he comes back to the apartment I swear..." I growl, I stop as I see Dan walking up the path. I like Dan I don't want him to feel like any of this is his fault because it defiantly isn't. It's Ben's.

"Shut up, just go." Ben snaps, I looked at him and stormed of down the road.

It took me a long time to finally reach out apartment, Ben pissed me of!

To busy with his friends, I had to move to London, because of him I left my friends for him... He could at least be grateful.

I stayed on the couch in my pyjamas, once I got changed into them. I watched movie after movie, it got to nine o'clock at night, Ben wasn't going to come back, was he?

He know how much I hate staying the flat on my own?

What if someone try's to break in?

I stayed up, until ten. After that I decided to ring Dan.

( D- Dan. L- Lucy)

D- Hello?

L- Hi Dan, it's Lucy.

D- Hey Luc

L- Dan, do you know where Ben is?

D- He went home a minute ago, he should be with you any minute?

L- He is angry at me, isn't he.

D- Well, yes but I'm not gonna give out to much information but he may of been planning something, nothing big but he was kind of nervous and you flipped...

L- Oh. For god sake, thanks for telling me, you're a good friend Danny.

D- What have I told you about that name?

L- Oh shut up blondie, I'm gonna go!

D- Bye.

With that we hung up, I patiently waited for Ben to get back.

Where is he?

There was a knock on the door. Ben, had a key? I still rushed to the door, to find no one there I looked on the door step to see a note laying on the floor.

I picked it up and brought it in the flat.

' Hello Lucy,

I know you are probably pissed at me for everything, I know what I said in town wasn't what I should of said, I probably should of thought about what I was saying. I wrote you this because I knew when I get to the flat I wouldn't be able to put my point across, because I wouldn't be able to get a word in edge ways.. Not that it's a bad thing, it's what I love about you.

Get a bag of clothes and come to the hotel, I'll put the address at the bottom of the note, grab some money of the side board and get a taxi there, the hotel room will be under Pryer, please come.

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