School Bully (Ellie&Ben)

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(Ellie's POV)

It's time for another painful day at school, I get bullied. There are lots of people who call me names and shove me around but there is one person who is worse than everyone. Ben, Ben Pryer. The worst thing about him bullying me is, I used to have a major crush on him.

I walk through the school gates already getting laughed at. I haven't done anything, I saw that one boy standing against the wall of the school building. I close my eyes tightly and stop for a second, I know he is going to say something.

"Hello Whore." Ben greets me, he strides over with his posy by his sides. I let out a sigh and make my way through the entrance of the building. "It's rude not to greet someone back." I heard him scream. I didn't care, I carried on walking. I kept turning around to make sure he wasn't following me.

I let out a loud sigh as I reached my locker. I swung it open not caring for what it hits, to my luck Ben Pryer was standing right there and it hit him.

"Are you gonna say sorry?" He growled. I didn't mean to, what do I say? I don't want to say sorry, but I don't want to be hurt by the girls that are in his little posy. Own up and say sorry.

"Sorry." I mumbled grabbing my science book out of my locker, he smirked. He new he had got the better of me.

"Sorry who?" He smirked again. That evil smirk, so annoying yet so beautiful. How could I think my bully is beautiful? His bone structure was to die for.

"Sorry, Ben." I replied quietly, I heard his friends laugh. People wonder why I'm so down, this is defiantly why. I can't even stand up to them! I need to grow a back bone. I need to stand up to them, you know when I'm going to start? Today.

"Actually, Ben." I said he turned around the smirk fading. "I am far from sorry, you can get your multiple of girlfriends to beat me up, but I promise you. You will not get the better of me, any longer." I pointed my finger. Wow, that felt good. He looked at me in pure shock, all of his friends have walked of. "Okay?" I asked, smirking.

"Uhm, okay." He coughed, he rubbed his face and looked me in the eye shaking his head.

I pulled my hair out of my pony tail and let it cascade down my shoulders. I gave him one last smirk and walked down the hallway to Science class.

(Ben's POV)

That little speech, made me realise. I am such a bad person. You know that old saying 'if a boy picks on you, they fancy you.' That saying was right. That was why I was such a dick, in year 10 I tried telling my friends that I thought that she was beautiful but they thought I was joking. I wasn't. I grew to see her as ugly, when she isn't. I picked on her along side my friends, I soon became the biggest bully in the group. I regret it. So, so, so, much.

"Ellie!" I called down the hall after her. She looked at me with a disgust look on her face, like I blame her.

"What!?" She snarled. Great, there is no making it up to her. No way, I've bullied her. She let me off by not telling anyone.

"I'm- I'm -"

"Sorry?" She laughed coldly. "How fucking dare you, come over here expecting me to for-" She stopped, I want her to go on. I need her to go on. Go on.

"Everyone deserves a second chance." She mumbled, going back to her old quiet self. Not the one who stands out and struts down the hallway that is the Ellie I know. The one who is quiet, keeps herself to herself.

"No. No, they don't. I don't, you don't have to forgive me Ellie." I shook my head, what a bad idea. I'm a bully, bullies are insecure so they bully people to make themselves feel better about themselves. Stupid, I know. Bullies pick out things on another person, so they can pick to my them feel better. Sometimes, it doesn't work first time so they do it again. Bullies are cowards.

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