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(Michael's POV)

I'm fed up of this tour, I meet girls everyday who fan girl. I know they have helped me to get where I am but, I really just want to meet one of the girls who are down to earth.

We have a meet up in Birmingham tonight, same old shit but a different day.

We arrive at the place where we were meeting up with the fans. I honestly love the fans but, I hate it when they scream in my ear. Sometimes I feel like I'm about to be death.

"Hiya guys!" I shout over their screaming voices. Everyone is so over excited. Their screams were piercing my ears.

"If you could all line up, in front of the boys, you'll all get a photo and a short convocation." George shouts through a mega phone. I find them funny, they're so loud. God, I'm sad.

"Hello, princess." I greet one of the girls who look like they're walking to me.

"I'm a Ben's girl." She growls. Well, okay then. I turn my nose up at her, I don't care.

"Okay guys, all get in the picture." George shouts.

"Nah, wait. She's a Ben's girl, Dan and I should get out." I reply, George nods. I don't mind them being a Ben or a Dan girl but you're clearly not a MADone. They take the picture and we all stand back together as a group.

-an hour later-

I've met lots of girls and there is only a couple left, one to be précis.

We decided as this was the last one we'd have a convocation with her. She agreed to.

"Hiya." She greeted sitting down on the chair we put in front of us. This girl, had beautiful Hazel eyes.

"Hello, babe." I reply, she smiles.

"You guys, okay?" She asks us all. Well, that is different usually the first thing a fan would ask us for is a picture but she was different.

"We're good, what about you?" Dan replies. Ben and I nod agreeing with his answer of us being okay.

"Hungry." She replies honestly rubbing her stomach. We laugh, she laughed along with us.

"What's your name?" Ben asked.

"I'm Jamie, I know your guys name, I can't exactly return a question." She shrugged laughing, I giggled.

"Well, you have a nice name." I reply, staring at her.

"I wouldn't say it's a nice name, I'd say it is quite boring." She shrugged. I laughed at her answer she giggled to.

"What's your twitter name, so we can all follow you?" Dan asks assuming she has twitter.

"Guys, I'd love to tell you them and get you to follow me but, it's embarrassing." She said covering her face with her hands. I pulled her hands away from her face.

"Don't cover your beautiful face." I wink, I saw her cheeks go bright red which made me smile.

"Um." She coughed. "It's Danzilla14." She mumbled, I giggled being the only one who heard it.

"What?" Dan asked as he didn't hear it.

"It's Danzilla14 , yes, I used the name of your penis for my at name, I'm so sorry." She said going bright red. I laughed again, she was a funny character. I loved how down to earth she was, she didn't pretend to be different just because she was around us.

"Well, I'm going to follow you now!" Dan said giggling.

"I seem like a stalker now." She states, shaking her head. Dan shook his head to tell her, she was wrong.

"I've heard worse, love." Ben giggles fiddling with his phone.

"So, what team are you?" I ask. I'm secretly hoping it's team MS. MS girls are the best, not going to lie.

"I'm defiantly a Michael girl." She shrugged giggling. Ben and Dan looked at each other and put their hands over their hearts and began to fake cry.

"Why didn't you use Michael's penis name then?" Dan smirks, I laughed. She joined in too.

"Michael's minion was already taken." She laughed, at least she was honest. Everyone started to laugh.

"Guys, we've got to go soon." George informed us.

"George, can't we stay in Birmingham the night?" I groan, I really wanted to spend some time with this girl.

"I'll see what I can do." George said pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"How old are you?" Ben asks. Thank god. I wanted to ask but, I didn't.

"I'm 17." She informed. Yes! My age, maybe, I could ask if she wanted to grab a bite to eat after we're done with this little session.

"Mike, there is a hotel down the road, you three can stay in it tonight, we haven't got a meet up tomorrow so it doesn't matter Todd and I are going back to the flat, we'll pick you up tomorrow!" He states. "I'll text you the details, it's already paid for!" George said. "I'll see ya tomorrow, boys." He nods.

"I'm heading back to the hotel, with Ben." Dan informs me. "You coming?" I shake my head, letting him know that I want to stay with Jamie. "See ya later, mate." He nods as he walks off.

"So, I guess you're going to?" Jamie said jumping out of her seat straightening out her clothes.

"Nah." I state, she looks at me a little confused. "I was going to ask if you would like to, ya know, hang around?" I shrug, I'm scared she is going to say no.

"Of course, I'd love too." She smiles. Gosh, she has the prettiest smile I've ever seen, seriously.

"Well, let's go to..." I try to think what places I saw as I came down here.

"Nando's?" She suggests. I love the way this girl thinks, her and I will get on brilliantly.

"Id love too."

-after the meal-

Jamie and I sat a chatted about so much, her family, my family. What it was like moving from Ireland to Surrey. I realised that I can trust people, especially Jamie. I would love to see her again, a lot. She's so lovely, down to earth and it doesn't bother me that she is a MADone, if anything that makes me like her even more.

"I guess I should be going?" She said looking up into the dark sky, I never realised how late it was until we came out of Nando's.

"I'll walk you." I asked shrugging, I shoved my hands into my pockets and began walking down the damp street. I could feel the puddles slashing beneath my feet.

"Well, this is me." She shrugged pointing to a rather small house sitting on the edge of the street.
"I probably won't see you again, but, thank-you for everything."


"Call me Jay."

"Jay." I correct. "I really would like to see you again, because you're the most down to earth person ever, I can trust you and that is so damn hard to admit seeming as I've just met you and you love my music, I really want to see more of you. If that is okay with you?"blurt out everything, I feel my cheeks heat.

"Are you serious?" She asks. She covers her hand with her mouth obviously embarrassed about what she just said.

"Of course." I smile. I walk towards her. We exchanged numbers, I really want to get to know her better I cannot wait until we next meet up.

"Good bye Mike." She said kissing my cheek. I pulled her wrist so she came back to me, a kiss on the cheek wasn't enough for me. I planted a kiss on her lips, I pulled away. She has a smile on her face.

"G'night Jay." I whispered walking of down the damp street. I finally met the perfect fan, I hope, soon, very soon, girlfriend.

( a/n: hey guys, I haven't really updated much, I'm planning on doing another MAD fan fic, after I finish my Harry styles one, I hope you're enjoying these.
Vote&Comment. I love you beauties)

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