Torn. (Ben Pryer)

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You and Ben had been dating for around about a year now. You to were in love, you genuinely thought you had found the one. You thought you had found someone that will be with you for a long time now.

"Ben!" You shout running across the road and running into his arms. Ben had recently been on holiday, only for about a week but you and Ben are always together.

"I missed you!" He whispered in your ear embracing you with a tight hug. You blushed, you pushed your head into Ben's shoulder for a longer ammont of time so he didn't have to see you blush. You finally pulled away, you shared a kiss.

You went back to his and spent the night with his family.

"You like burger and chips, right?" Rachael, Ben's mum asked you.

"C'mon Rachael, you should know me well enough to know, I love all kinds of food." You said helping her prepare the food. You both laugh. You start chopping the onions, I don't particularly like onions but Rach and Rob did.

"You alright?" Jonny said giving you a hug, using your nickname.

"I'm great thanks, how was your holiday?" You ask smiling, he goes over to the counter and pelts the rock he brought of holiday at you. Luckily, it was the food rock, not an actual rock.

"Jonny!" Rachael giggles. "Do not do that again, that could of hurt someone." Rachael said going from giggling to serious.

"Alright, Alright." He said holding his hands up in the air. "Sophie is coming over." He said looking down at his phone.

"Okay. I'll do another burger." Rachael said shoving another burger into the oven along with the others. You felt arms slip around your waist, you turn around still embraced in the persons arms. It was Ben.

"Hey, babe." He said kissing your nose. You giggle, you thought it was cute when he kissed your nose. It gave you butterflies.

"Hello, baby." You reply, you kiss him back but this time on the lips. You pull away not wanting it to go any further than a simple kiss.

"Do you want to stay tonight?" Rob asked you sitting down at the long table.

"Um." You thought for a second. "Of course, I'd like too, I'll ask my mum." You reply smiling. Rob nodded, you walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Mum." You called down the phone realising she had picked up.

"(Y/N)" She said with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Can I stay at-"

"No. Get home." She said sternly.

"Why not? You've seen me all week." You argue.

"I said get home. I am your mum after all, what I say goes.." She sternly said.

"Well I'd prefer to stay here!" You keep arguing hoping that eventually she'll give in.

"No! (Y/N) get home now, or punishments will be put in place." She shouted down the phone, you looked round to see Jonny looking concerned in the doorway.

"Whatever." You reply harshly hanging up the phone. Jonny gave you a sympathetic smile.

"Jonny." You sigh walking over to him. "Is there any chance of getting a lift home, now?" You ask twisting your lips to one side. He nodded grabbing his keys from of the side.

"Ben." You call into the kitchen.

"Babe?" He replies, walking closer to you.

"I have to go home, my mum is in a foul mood." You said shaking your head. "Jonny is taking me home, I'll ring you later, okay babe?" You said nodding. Ben nodded leaning in and planting a kiss on your lips.

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