One Last Chance (Carys&Mike)

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(Carys POV)

"C'mon Carys, once last chance" Michael begs me. I don't know if I can take his lies anymore. Telling me he'll be home before nine, and come back at twelve at night. Or, going out for dinner with various girls, but it's okay because they're just 'friends'.

"You can't play me Michael." I shrug. What am I meant to say? He gives me the puppy dog face thinking that is going to work, and I'll forgive him and it'll be all well and good. Not this time, I've got to show him that I'm not weak.

"Baby.." He said stepping closer. I push his hand away from me, as he went to place it on my shoulder.

"Michael I'm sure you have thousands of girls who are wanting to be with you right now, thousands of girls who are willing to be played by you. Unfortunately I'm not one of them.." I said. That was harsh, I saw the look of pain flash through his eyes. He deserves it, puts me through pain.

"I'm sorry baby, I really am I'm so sorry." He said putting his head in his hands, looking like he is crying. I know he isn't, why would he cry if he knows I'll forgive him? Well... At least that is what he thinks..

"Michael, saying sorry isn't going to get you anywhere don't you think I've given you enough chances, you need to realise that I'm not a toy, you can't just drop me and find someone new whenever you like. You either stick with me, or don't and play with other girls." I rant. It felt good to get it out of my system.

"Please, babe, I need you." He said stepping even closer to me. His sweet words weren't going to help anything.

"It's done Michael, I might see you later on in life and we can be together after all your music career is taking of, I'm going to get my things. I'm going to go live with my mum for a while." I nod. This is what I need, time away. I know it seems like we only have small arguments, but we really don't.

We argue about everything and anything.

"Baby, I'm sorry come back when you're ready." He said helping stuff my things in my bag.

"No Mike, I'll come when I think you've matured and when I think you handle a relationship." I nod, I grab my bag and walk out the door.

"Goodbye Mike, I love you." I said tears brimming in my eyes.

I didn't hear anything, I looked back at the door from my car and saw Michael balling his eyes out. It took me everything to not go over there and hug him until he stops crying.

I put the key in, and started up the engine. I took one last look, and drove off.

I know I'll see Michael again, I don't think I can live without him, I need him more than he needs me.

I guess I'll have to move on, I'll have to try and forget about Michael, even though it'll be really hard. It'll have to happen.

-one year later-

"Have you heard about the band M.A.D?" My best friend screamed, watching a video on her laptop. I looked at there was a blond boy singing to Can We Dance, by The Vamps.

"Who's that?" I ask confused. She turned to me and stared in shock, like she was shocked that I had never heard of them.

"He is Dan, wanna see all of them?" She said bouncing of her bed, and pulled a rolled up long piece of paper out of her wardrobe.

"Look." She said unrolling it. "Michael-"

Michael, is in a band. He, did it. He actually got into a band and is known by girls, and half of Britain.

"Carys" my best friend said shaking my arm. I just stared, his cute little face smiling into the camera with his two new best friends, I feel a warm tear roll down the side of my cheek.

"I know he is gorgeous but there is no need to cry about it." She laughed. I fell onto the bed and kept crying, I just couldn't stop.

"I'm gonna go," I said sorting my face out, grabbing my bag. I ran down the stairs. I opened up the door and took a slow walk home thinking over everything I just heard.

My Mike is in a band.

I mean, Mike..

He isn't mine anymore, I can't go back to him. Can I?

Has he matured? Maybe he is still a little kid? But maybe not..

I should give him a ring, see what he's been upto. I want to hug him, hold him close to me an never let him go.

I reach home, I say nothing to my mum and make my way up the steep stairs.

I scroll through my contacts and come across his name, he has the kissy face emoji next to it.

Ringing: Mikey😘

M: hello?
C: hey, it's carys.
M: are you a fan?
C: you don't remember me?
M: look babe, if you're from a concert when I met you I'm sorry that I don't remember you but I want to say how much I appreciate-
C: I'm not a fan, I'm your ex girlfriend, the one who said she'd come back and I tried to keep my promise but you don't seem to remember the promise.
M: carys...
C: what?
M: I miss you.
C: you what?
M:I miss you ok.
C: Mikey, I miss you too.
M: will you meet me?
C: of course, a lot to catch up on.
M: I'm back in Belfast, today. Wanna meet tonight?
C&M: at the pond.

We both laughed, we always used to meet there.

M: like old times, huh.
C: I guess so,
M: meet me there at 4.
C: ok, good bye Michael
M: my name is Mikey to you babe, and good bye.

With that we hung up, I'm way to soft I should of been a bit more stern and too the point with him, shouldn't i? But you would do anything for the one you love.

I love? Do I, do I actually love him.

I know it seems like I'm having second thoughts on this but I may be? I obviously left Michael for a reason...

A couple of hours pass by, meaning it's four. Meaning I'm slightly late. I rush out my house and take a quick walk to the pond.

There he is. His soft brown hair swept to one side, I loved playing with his hair. I'd run my fingers through it, he used to find it relaxing. Then he dyed part of it blond which I adored.

The way his beanie covers half of his head leaving his fringe out, how he shoves his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

I walk, slowly.

I'm standing in front of him, our eyes locking with each other's. Neither of us have said anything but we know what each other are thinking..

"Please" Michael said out of the blue.

"Please, what?" I ask confused.

"Never ever leave me again." He said gripping my waist pulling me closer, I couldn't say a word as his lips were pressed against mine aggressively.

I pull away.

"Never, babe." I say out of breath.

(Sorrrrryyyyyyyy I haven't updated in ages!!!!)

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