Im your what? // Michael Sutthakorn.

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(Jamie's POV)

Bored. Bored, I'm bored of being bored. I decided that I would go to the bar, I grabbed my coat and made my way to the bar down the road.

I stopped dead in the middle of the street, I am going to look a bit of a loner walking in there all by myself. I sighed and decided to go on through into the bar, I looked around and I saw couples having drinks with each other. Here I am, with no one buying myself a drink...

I brought my drink and sat at a circular table, I looked around while occasionally taking a sip out of my drink. I noticed a couple of guys all round one table, I noticed how they were staring at me laughing, I didn't know why? I started to feel uncomfortable, I grabbed my bag and walked outside.

I heard footsteps following me out of the bar. I stopped and leant against the wall.

"Hi." A shy voice said from beside me, I looked round to see one of the boys from the table had followed me out.

"Are you going to laugh at me again?" I asked actually quite nervous about what he was going to say next. He let out a sigh and looked me in the eye.

"They weren't laughing at you." He said in his Irish accent. I shot him a confused look. "They were taking the piss out of me because I said you were beautiful."

I scoffed quite offended with the way he just put that. "So, it's funny that I'm supposedly beautiful..." I laughed without humour and began to walk away from the rude boy standing in front of me.

I made my way back to my flat, I heard his footsteps following me. I didn't acknowledge him, I just carried on walking down to my flat.

"Do you wanna leave me alone?" I shouted stopping dead in the middle of the street, he gave me a weird look and shook his head.

"I wanted to apologise, shit." He said like he is the one being hurt.

"Look. I'm just annoyed that your friends laughed at you because you were I don't know, trying to be nice." I tried to explain why I was so angry, I'm fed up of having my self confidence lowered by random people.

I got to my flat door and he was still following me. I put the keys in my door and he was just standing there with a smirk on his face, admittedly he looked hot with that stupid smirk across his face but yet it was annoying.

"Gonna invite me in?" He said cheekily, I looked at him a raised my eyebrow with a small smile on my face.

"For all I know you could be a murderer." I laughed. "How about my number?" I asked, I didn't want to invite him in seeming as he was a bit of a dick to me at the pub.

"Fine, as long as you go out for a drink with me tomorrow?" He asked with a smile on his face, well it could just be a smirk.

"You know what, why not?" I said giving him my number. I said goodnight then walked back into my flat, I didn't know what to think of Michael. I've already seen two different sides of him. The nice side, and the side who is a bit of a dick.




It's now the next day, I started to get myself ready as I slept in till four. I straightened my hair, like I always do and got myself ready.

After an hour of sorting myself out, trying to make myself look decent. I looked in the mirror, and not to be vein or anything but I looked good.

I heard a knock on my door, I sorted out my long black dress. It was nothing fancy but nothing to casual. He knocked again this time trying to make it louder, Jesus this boy was inpatient.

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