Your First I Love You

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So you really want to know when he uttered those three all important words? Do you? Truly? Okay, fine.

It was during an argument. So not the most romantic of moments but unique nonetheless. In fact you were both arguing about your favourite subject, your safety.

He would always say that it wasn't safe for you to be in the field with him. You would always contradict his statement saying that, without you by his side, he would most likely trip over his own feet and fall on something sharp.

Honestly, he could be that oblivious at times.

Eventually you were both too exhausted to continue arguing, voices raw from the shouting. Finally your liver confessed that his ultimate goal was to keep you safe and away from the frontline was safe. His fear had always been you- the one he loved most dearly- getting hurt.

When you heard him say that he lived you, you didn't hesitate to say it back. However you refused to stay at home, for you shared the same fear, only he was the one to get injured.

Yes, it may have started as an argument but it ended with a declaration of love.


A/N: 14K??? 14K??? 14K???

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