Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


        Mike Shinoda’s phone buzzed way too early for his liking. It continued to buzz over and over until he answered it.

“Yea?” he asked trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

“Hey Mike! Are we going after that guy today?”

“You couldn’t have waited to ask me this at school Dave?”

“Nope. We have to plan things like this.”

“We never planned things like this before. They’re just spur of the moment.”

“Not this one. You had it planned since yesterday!”

“Yes we’re doing it today. Now get off the phone!”

          Dave hung up and Mike climbed out of his bed. If he went back to sleep he’d never get up for school. It only took Dave ten minutes to annoy him more. His friend showed up at his door and wouldn’t go away. He was going to wake everyone up in the neighborhood if he didn’t go away.

“Phoenix! I’m trying to get ready and not wake everybody up! Please give me longer than ten minutes!”

“Sorry but I think we should go earlier today!”

“Why is this such a big event? It’s not like we haven’t done it before.”

“But you’ve never planned it before!”

“It wasn’t planned! We do it every single day! There’s nothing different about this!”

“Ok sorry. Sorry! But you sounded like you had something big in mind.”

“Yes I do and that means you should leave me alone and go home.”

“Aha! You do! Alright then. See you later Mike.”

          Mike rolled his eyes as Phoenix left his door and headed out towards the direction of Brad’s house. Mike honestly didn’t have a plan. He never did. That kid was just too easy to make fun of. It’s not like they had to search for something to berate him for. He wore long sleeves during the summer. He didn’t have people to talk to or defend him. Perfect target right there. Mike wasn’t even sure if he knew the guy’s first name. He knew his last name was Bennington but what was his first name? Chase? He wasn’t sure. Chase sounded right. He’d go with that. His phone rang again and he sighed before answering it.

“If this is Dave I’m hanging up,” he said and the person on the other end laughed.

“No this isn’t Dave. But it’s about him. Why is he up and around so early?”

“Oh hey Brad. He’s just really excited about going after Bennington today.”

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