Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Mike’s POV

          He sat in his living room while Chester hopped around on his crutches. The leg that hadn’t taken most of the impact was basically healed so Chester had been able to use crutches instead of staying in the hospital.

          “Hey Mike! I’m a bunny!” Chester grinned as he hopped over to where Mike was sitting. Yes, he was on painkillers. He’d been in a ton of pain earlier and Mike had to let Chester take some. So he was a little loopy. But that was ok with Mike. He was just glad Chester was back. He wasn’t completely sure what he had planned for the time that Chester couldn’t walk around but he decided to keep his patience. Their performance was in two weeks. By then, Chester should be alright.

          “That’s great Chaz. Just don’t hurt yourself.”

          “I won’t. Hey, we should do something. I want to do something,” Chester said as he sat down next to Mike. Mike smiled slightly at him.

          “We can’t do much with you injured. What do you want to do?”

          “Call Dave and tell him to bring over a video game and then we can all play.”

          “Dave was already coming over remember? I asked him earlier to. I have Call of Duty.”

          “Ok then let’s play that.”

          Mike smiled and then went to put the game in. Dave came in the house a minute later but he looked like he did when he’d arrived at the hospital when Chester overdosed.

          “Mike! Rob’s on his way!” Dave said.

          “Hey Dave! Ow shit my ribs hurt real bad Mikey,” Chester said as he slowly moved his crutches out of the way so Dave could sit down. The painkillers must have worn out.

          “I know. And Dave what do you mean Rob’s coming?”

          “I mean he’s coming this way. He saw me come in. I bet he’s going to interfere.”

          “Should we hide Chester?” Mike asked Dave quietly so Chester couldn’t hear them.

          “It won’t do any good. I’m pretty sure that he knows Chester’s here.”

          “Hey everyone,” a voice called from the door. Chester jumped and then whimpered when he jostled his ribs too much. Mike rushed to his side and made sure he was alright.

          “Don’t worry about me ok? You stay here and don’t get involved. I’ll be alright I promise.”

          “I trust you Mike.”

          Mike nodded and then he and Dave moved up to greet Rob. Rob stood in the doorway with a sick smirk on his face.

          “Couldn’t do it again could he? God really wants that fucker alive.”

          “Shut it Rob. I should kill you for what you told him.”

          “What? I told him the truth. I was planning on showing him that I was right today.”

          “You won’t touch him.”

          “Oh…I won’t need too.”

          Mike glared at Rob who gave him a small smile. He didn’t trust Rob for an instant but Rob wouldn’t leave until he got to Chester. They couldn’t stop him from getting into the room anyway. Mike slowly backed up enough so his back was in the doorway to the living room. Chester was sitting on the couch staring intently at him. He was scared.

Saving Chester BenningtonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon