Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


Mike’s POV

          He yawned as his alarm woke him up at six in the morning. Today was their first day of senior year. Fuck.

          “Turn that shit off!” Chester moaned from under the blanket next to him and Mike smiled slightly.

          “Can’t Chazzy. We gotta go to school remember?”

          “Tell school to fuck off.”

          “You’re a terrible person in the morning,” Mike laughed before pulling the blanket off of Chester and shaking him until he got up. He knew today would be hard on Chester. If there was one place the other boy didn’t want to be, it was at school.

          About forty-five minutes later, they were heading into their school with Dave and Rob. Brad and Joe hadn’t showed up. Dave wasn’t a morning person either. He was probably worse than Chester.

          “School sucks,” Dave said angrily. Rob rolled his eyes.

          “You’ve said that about fifty times ever since you woke up. You even texted it to me!”

          “Don’t worry Dave, Chester’s not a morning person either,” Mike smirked.

          “I’m fine in the morning,” Chester complained. Dave glared at him.

          “That’s not what I call fine!”

          “I don’t care what you think is fine!”

          “Can both of you shut up!?” Rob asked desperately.

          Chester and Dave turned to Rob, “Fuck you!”

          Mike let out a quiet snicker before agreeing with Rob, “Seriously guys, don’t ruin this for everyone.”

          Chester sighed but stopped complaining.

          “Hey, look, it’ll be alright,” Mike said and Chester nodded at him. Mike had a feeling that some of Chester’s agitation was from his nervousness of being back at school. Dave rubbed his eyes and muttered something about too early to be up. They hung out in the halls since class didn’t start until a few minutes after seven.

          “Look at all those fucking freshmen coming in! They’re so lost,” Rob laughed as he pointed at a few kids who looked like they were confused. Dave laughed and nodded at them.

          “Hey! If you’re looking for loser town, it’s that way,” Dave pointed towards the entrance of the school. Mike snickered and Rob leaned against the wall with a smirk. He glanced over at Chester who was watching them and biting his lip. He knew that this probably reminded Chester of the taunts they’d thrown at him before. But this wasn’t at Chester, this was at other people.

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