Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Chester’s POV

          He had arrived back at his house a few hours ago and was excited when he found out his dad was supposedly going out somewhere for a few days. Of course he’d left a while ago so Chester hadn’t seen him at all since before his conversation with Mike. But he had a feeling he wouldn’t be talking to Mike anytime soon because they’d found out about his other problem. Damn he was an idiot. He knew it was a matter of time before they had found out but he hadn’t expected them to find out yet. Especially without him telling them. He’d let Mike down again and the rest of the band. He wasn’t going back, he wasn’t wanted there. Dave had said so.

He sat down at his desk with a whole new song in his mind. Papercut was long forgotten as he began writing again. By the time he finished writing down everything on his mind, it was getting late. He sighed as he folded up the paper and slid it into his pocket. He didn’t have the band anymore. He didn’t have his friends or anywhere to go. And that’s when he realized maybe he didn’t need any of that. Hell, he’d just written a song about what he should do. Why didn’t he just do it? His eyes filled as he considered what he was about to do. He was afraid of dying. He didn’t want to admit it but he was. He pulled out his song again and read it. The way he wrote it, it sounded so nice. Just being able to finally get rid of everything that had happened and forget about it. Just to finally leave it all behind. That’s what he wanted. He put the paper down and scribbled a final line underneath what he had done. Hopefully whoever found him would give the paper to who it was supposed to go to.

He walked back to his room and grabbed his bag. He knew how much he had left. It was enough to get the job done. After he took the rest of it, he made his way down to the living room. As he walked towards the chair he felt things start to get out of his control. He twitched uncomfortably and felt himself falling. This was it. But now, it didn’t even seem that bad. The last thing he heard was an annoying noise that sounded like knocking. Oh well, it’d be all over in a minute or so. He kept his grip on his song the whole way.

Mike’s POV

          He’d started drawing Chester again. He had finally figured out he wanted to draw him. He’d use Chester’s smile when he slept but keep his eyes open. Then he’d finally look happy. Mike smiled sadly at the thought of it. He wished he could see Chester happy again. He and Dave hadn’t spoken since their argument at night but Dave had texted him and said he was coming back in a few minutes to talk. It was getting late and Mike was hoping Dave would hurry up because he wanted to go visit Chester before it got too dark. Chester had told him that if the door was unlocked, they could come right in whenever they wanted. He slowly sketched Chester’s spiky blonde hair and smiled when he saw how good the picture was turning out. Dave showed up a minute later.

          “Hey Mike, I think we should go talk to Chester,” Dave said as he stood outside.

          “Yea me too. I just have this bad feeling. I was going to go over later,” Mike agreed.

          “How much later? It’s getting dark outside.”

          “Let’s go now,” Mike said as he packed up his pencils and then got up to follow Dave down the street. The two of them walked in silence for a few minutes before Dave started talking again.

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