Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Chester’s POV

          He sat outside on Mike’s porch letting the sun hit him. He hadn’t been able to kiss Mike ever since the incident. He couldn’t sit next to him or have Mike touch him at all. Mike had tried to give him a hug the one day and he’d pushed out of Mike’s grip and spent half the day in the bathroom with the door locked. He just couldn’t take that happening again. He put his head in his arms and took a deep breath. Every time that Mike had called to him or anything involving his name he would jump or flinch. He’d walk around the house like he was expecting to get hit. He hadn’t been able to sleep in the same room as Mike let alone the same bed. He sighed softly and then heard the door open behind him.

          “Hey Chester,” Mike said softly. Chester didn’t acknowledge him. Mike had resorted to calling him Chester instead of Chaz or Chazzy. It was the only way that he wouldn’t jump.

          “Hi Mike.”

          “You still mad?”

          “I’m not mad at you.”

          “But I still can’t put my arm around you?”

          “Don’t even try.”

          Chester knew he was making Mike upset with how cold he was being towards him. But he couldn’t help it. He just didn’t want Mike to touch him. He was too uncomfortable. Mike sighed and sat down on the other side of the porch across from him. Chester leaned against the rails on the porch as he looked over at Mike. Mike stared at him for a minute before he turned to look out at the street.

          “My dad found out about us,” he said.

          “What?” Chester asked confusedly.

          “My dad knows I’m with you,” Mike repeated.


          “Um….yea. So…I’m pretty sure he disowned me,” Mike said and Chester felt bad for giving Mike the cold shoulder. The other boy probably felt like everyone hated him right now.

          “I’m sorry,” Chester whispered. Mike shook his head.

          “That’s why I got drunk. I was so angry. And he called you a fag….” Mike said his anger rising a little. Chester shifted uncomfortably as he saw Mike get angry. He didn’t want to be in the path of Mike’s anger.

          “He said I was an embarrassment and basically kicked me out,” Mike finished. Chester looked over at Mike who was staring out at the street. He was so sad.

          “I…..” Chester said but he couldn’t think of the right words to say.

          “Don’t worry about it ok. I don’t want to bother you. I just thought you should know,” Mike said as he leaned on the fence. Chester nodded and continued to look out at the street.

          “Alright well….if you need anything…..let me know,” Mike got up and went back inside. Chester continued to sit on the porch. He wanted to talk to Mike. But he just couldn’t bring himself to do so. He didn’t want Mike to hurt him again even though he didn’t think he would. He rested his head on his arms and watched the people run around in the street. A group of kids were playing hockey, a few people were walking their dogs, and some others just walked together. Everyone was so happy. He stood up and stretched. He was just about to go back inside Mike’s house when a car pulled into the driveway. A man got out and he froze.

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