Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Mike’s POV

          They were supposed to have practice for a couple hours that day so Mike was currently heading out to buy food. Chester had showed up despite him saying that he needed a break from everything. But Chester seemed to be a very good mood most of the time. Which was weird because a lot of the time he was really quiet and shy. Maybe he was just adjusting to being part of the band now. That’s what Mike hoped but he couldn’t help but notice how quickly Chester’s mood changed up and back. One minute he was happy and the next he was pissed at everyone. Which was weird because Chester never got mad at anyone. Chester was just plain confusing in his opinion. He hadn’t used to be but now he was. When he got back with the food Dave, Joe, and Chester were hanging out in the basement. Dave was laying on the floor playing Xbox with Joe, and Chester was sitting on the couch with his headphones in.

          “Hey guys I got food!” Mike called and the three of them looked up at him with smiles.

          “Finally!” Dave said with a grin as he paused the game and got off the floor, “I was starting to think you ran away from us!”

          “What do you got Mike?” Joe asked as he came forward as well. Chester hadn’t gotten off the couch yet but he was looking in the general direction.


          “Come on Chester. There’s stuff for you too,” Mike said with a smile as he held out a burger and fries. The smaller boy pushed himself off the couch and walked over, accepting the food with a quiet thanks. It was quiet as they ate. Sometimes Dave would try to crack a joke but it mostly stayed in silence. It was weird having little hang out sessions without Brad or Rob. They were the ones who had usually started conversation.

          Mike was off in thought anyway. He had started writing a song for Chester. He didn’t know what exactly it was going to be about but when he had been trying to fall asleep the night before, words had started flowing into his head. Mike knew that Chester was going through a lot and the song would hopefully get his point across. Hopefully it would help with the cutting issue as well.

          “Hey guys, do you want to all come over my place tonight? We can have a sleepover and watch some movies or something?” Mike asked as they finished eating their dinner.

          “I can!” Dave said immediately as he threw away his wrapper.

          “Me too,” Joe agreed.

          “Chaz?” Mike asked.

          “Yea. Sure I can come. If you want me there.”

          “Yes we do. Come on!” Mike led the way down to his house. They all spread out in his living room. Dave was stretched out in front of the TV. Joe was near the table. Chester had the couch but Mike wasn’t sure where he was going to sleep yet. He could take the smaller couch but he figured Joe might want it so he sat on the edge of the couch with Chester. Dave went rifling through his stack of movies and pulled one out.

Saving Chester BenningtonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant