Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


Chester’s POV


          He didn’t feel any better and it had been three days. Mike kept checking his temperature and it had barely gone down. It had actually gone up by .1. Mike was worried and he could tell. Chester knew that having a high temperature wasn’t safe especially for a long period of time. He was still sick. He never got any cooler no matter how many times Mike tried to cool him down. He had thrown up so much, he’d given up on eating. He had barely moved from the couch. He’d discarded the blanket and just used Mike for his warmth.


         “Why does everything happen to you Chazzy?” Mike asked quietly as he sat next to him.


          “I wish I knew,” Chester replied as he felt his head start to spin from sitting up to long. He leaned against Mike’s shoulder and Mike reached up to stroke his hair. Chester shut his eyes to make the world stop spinning. Mike was the person that kept him going. Even with all the shit he dealt with, he knew Mike would be waiting to wrap his arms around him and save him from the world. He had put all his trust in Mike.


          “You’re going to get better Chaz. I promise,” Mike said softly. Chester just nodded. Mike had been telling him that for the past three days.


          “I hope so.”


         A little later, Mike went to take his temperature again. He almost did a victory dance too.


          “It went down! Chaz you’re at a 102,” Mike said happily. Chester smiled at him. If Mike was happy, then he usually was too. Mike gave him a hug and lifted him into the air. He felt like a five year old.


          “It’s embarrassing how easily you can lift me up,” Chester said laughing as Mike set him back on the couch.


          “Oh come on, I love you Chazzy,” Mike said as he fell down next to him.


          “Yep. I love you too. You and your fat ass that broke that table,” Chester said with a smirk. He had started feeling a little bit better.


          “I know you love my ass. I love yours too,” Mike grinned.


          “Not what I meant Mikey,” Chester said reaching to hit him.


          Mike jumped back, “Hey no hitting! I won’t sit with you if you try to hit me.”


          Chester smiled and then looked at Mike with fake desperation, “Please Mikey? I’m sorry for trying to hit you.”


          Mike turned away and shook his head, “Nope.”


          “Miiiiiiikkkkkeeeeeyyyyyyy,” Chester protested. Mike smirked and then turned around.


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