Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Mike's POV

​Mike woke up leaning on Chester's shoulder. He didn't even remember what had happened the night before except that Chester had been singing this beautiful song. He realized how close he was to the other boy and pulled away quickly. He didn't mind comforting Chester but sleeping on top of him was a little weird. He got up and let Chester sleep. His blonde hair was flattened on his head so the red was in little lines. Mike grinned to himself before he went to make breakfast since he was hungry again. As he made himself some waffles he remembered the events from last night. How he had stormed around the living room getting angry over Chester's simple question. And when he finally couldn't take it anymore he'd fallen on to the couch only to have Chester hug him and tell him that people cared about him. That his parents cared about him. And Mike realized how lucky he was to actually have parents even if they weren't around that much. Chester had no one. Except him. He had Mike. He glanced into the living room and saw Chester was still sound asleep on the couch so he sat down at the table and called Dave.

​"Hello, you've reached the house of I'm-Not-Interested-In-Whatever-The-Fuck-You-Have-To-Say-At-Eight-In-The-Morning. Please leave a message and maybe I'll get back to you."

​"Hey Dave," Mike said with a grin.

​"Oh hey Mike. Sorry I'm tired. What's up?"

​"So Chaz and I went to see the Transformers Movie yesterday."

​"Ah. Was it good?"

​"Yea. Dave you're not going to believe it but our song is in the movie!"

​"Its too early for this shit."

​"I'm not kidding. They played it in the credits. What I've Done. Dave they played our music!"

​"Are you serious?"

​"Yes! You can even ask Chaz!" Mike said and he heard Dave shout with excitement.

​"We have to play somewhere!"

​"That's what I was thinking. The problem with that is that Rob is not interested in playing with us."

​"Oh right. Well, I'll ask Brad to talk to him. Maybe he can knock some sense into him."

​"Cool. Thanks."

​"Hey Mike? Chaz wouldn't happen to be at your house would he?"

​"Why? He is."

​"Just wondering," Dave said and Mike could tell he had a smirk on his face.

​"See you Dave," Mike said and he hung up after Dave said goodbye. He turned back to the sleeping boy in his living room. Damn, Chester could sleep forever. So he put in his headphones and sat down on the couch next to Chester. He scanned down the list of songs until he found the song he was looking for. He hit Play and let the music blast into his ears. It was the first song he'd ever heard Chester sing. Numb. He stared hard at Chester as the music played in his ears. It was hard to believe that the other boy had that kind of voice for his size. He was small and skinny. How did he possess this skill that no one else had? Mike smiled slightly at the thought as he remembered Chester singing that song at the auditions. How Dave had left the room to tell everyone else to get lost. Chester was special and Mike wished that he could see that. He thought back to that terrifying night that he'd found Chester lying on the floor, barely alive, with the note that told Mike he wasn't good enough for any of the things he'd gotten. It hurt him to think that. He had a question to ask Chester when the boy woke up. He had to know.

​"Mike....are you making waffles?" Chester yawned from the couch as he stretched. Mike smiled at the question.

​"Yea I did. But you weren't awake. So I had to leave yours out on the counter."

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