Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Chester’s POV

          He woke up in Mike’s bed again. He smiled slightly at the thought of it. Mike had held him close all night. But now Mike was gone. He stretched and got out of bed. He pulled his shirt on over his head and then walked out of the bedroom. He didn’t see Mike in the kitchen but he heard Mike singing from somewhere. He heard the piano too. He smiled as he heard the words.

“All day, staring at the ceiling making friends with shadows on my wall

All night, hearing voices telling me that I should get some sleep because tomorrow might be good or something

Hold on feel like I’m headed for a breakdown and I don’t know why.

But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell, I know right now you can’t tell

But stay awhile and maybe ten you’ll see a different side of me.”

          Chester opened the door a little to see Mike sitting with his back facing the door. He loved when Mike would sing. And the song he was singing was one of his favorites. It wasn’t rock like he usually liked. But he still loved the song.

“I’m not crazy I’m just a little impaired, I know right now you don’t care.

But I know soon enough you’re going to think of me, and how I used to be.”

          “Hey Mike,” Chester said softly. The piano stopped abruptly and Mike turned around obviously embarrassed.

          “Oh hey Chaz. I didn’t know you were awake.”

          “I just got up.”

          “Oh. Cool. You hungry?”

          “You alright Mike?”

          “Yea. Fine.”

          Chester walked up to where Mike was sitting and hugged him, “You can tell me anything.”

          “How I used to be,” Mike muttered softly. Chester sighed. He knew it.

          “Sometimes I just think back to that and get a little upset ok? And I feel like you think back to that too and hate me for what I did,” Mike said.

          “I do think back to that sometimes,” Chester said and he felt Mike stiffen next to him, “But I think about how much you mean to me now. How you protected me from everything. And I forget it all. I don’t care about how you used to be. You’re perfect now.”

          Mike stood up and led the way out of the room. Chester hoped he hadn’t said anything to make him upset.

          “You’re too nice Chaz. I guess I’m lucky I have you,” Mike said with a small smile. Chester grinned at him.

          “I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.”

          “Me neither,” Mike said as he poured himself a bowl of cereal. Chester took the box after Mike was done and got himself a bowl as well. They ate together and then headed into the living room. They’d recorded with Rob the day before. Today was a break day to do whatever they wanted to do. Mike sat down on the couch and Chester sat down next to him. He leaned against Mike for a minute until Mike’s phone rang.

          “Hang on, it’s Rob,” Mike said as he answered it. They talked for a few minutes before Mike hung up and wrapped his arm around Chester.

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