Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Mike’s POV

          Mike was sitting outside in the grass with Chester. They had been sitting out in the warm summer air for a long time. He still couldn’t believe that Rob had come out of nowhere and stood up for Chester at their performance. It was crazy. He would’ve thought Rob would have been the one to start the fires. He glanced at Chester who was smiling as he let the sun hit him. Mike had made him buy a pair of shorts. He was wearing them today. Mike had to smile. Chester was a skinny guy but that never would’ve prepared him for how skinny his legs really were. The sweat pants had usually covered that but now with the shorts, it was quite noticeable. Chester was hitting his feet together lightly and was leaning back on his hands. For once, he was happy. Truly happy. Mike yawned and then leaned back on his elbows. Chester glanced over at him with a smile and reclined to the same position.

          “Hey Mike,” he grinned.

          “What are you doing down here?” Mike asked with a grin as he pulled Chester over to him so he could kiss him. Over the past couple days, Mike had started kissing Chester wherever he wanted. He didn’t care what people said about them. He wanted people to know that he had the most wonderful boyfriend in the world. Chester grinned at him from above him and then rolled over so he was lying next to Mike.

          “You can’t get enough of me can you?” Chester asked with a laugh.

          “I don’t know how anyone could,” Mike replied.

          “You’re crazy,” Chester said with another smile. Mike noticed that Chester had been smiling a lot more often now.

          “Come here you,” Mike said as he pulled Chester back over him.

          “Mmf, Mike,” Chester said as Mike kissed him again.

          “Yea Chazzy,” Mike asked against Chester’s lips.

          “Uh…I forgot,” Chester said and Mike laughed. He gently pushed Chester back so he could look into his eyes. Chester had a smile on his face again.

          “You good?” Mike asked as he let Chester roll back on to the grass.

          “Yea I’m good. I don’t know Mike. I…..just don’t want to go to fast,” Chester said softly.

          “You tell me when you’re good,” Mike said, “I won’t do anything that you don’t want.”

          “Does it make you mad?” Chester asked and Mike shook his head.

          “Nothing you do could ever make me mad.”

          “I…I’m just scared….”

          “It’s ok Chaz.”

          Chester sighed softly and looked up to the sky. Mike smiled slightly. He knew Chester felt uncomfortable talking to him about things like that. He thought that he was disappointing Mike because he wanted to take their relationship slow. But Mike didn’t mind. He was fine with going slow. He knew Chester didn’t think so but he was.

          “You don’t gotta worry about anything,” Mike said reaching over towards Chester. The other boy shifted uncomfortably.


          “I said you don’t have to worry about anything,” Mike said softly as he rubbed his hand through Chester’s hair.

          “Mike stop it,” Chester said pulling away.

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