Chapter 26

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"Hey, have you heard? Lookism's music video came out!"

The moment the music video released, the fan club immediately went and watched it.

Excited, all around the world, the play button was pushed.

The exact moment they heard and saw them, their eyes widened as they gaped.

Immediately, they went to the comments:

"They're so cool!"

"This is my first time seeing so much fighting in a MV!"

"I'd definitely buy their album!"


The CEO stared at the screen before him.

Pleased with the reactions of the fans, he went to look at his calendar.

The boys are going to debut the next day.


Backstage, the six tried to keep their composure under control.

They were finally going to do their debut stage.

The boys were currently getting ready in the dressing room.

They wore their black outfits; their hair and makeup now getting professionally done.

Jae Yeol, back to his blond hair, let the lady touch his hair with the promise of not letting his face being shown.

"I'm starting to get nervous..." Bum Jae placed his hand on his heart, sweating as the hairstylist touched his hair.

No one commented as they were busy with calming themselves down.

Hyung Seok stared at the mirror, his hair almost finished.

His heart beating fast, he closed his eyes:

Control your breathing... If I don't calm down, I'll mess up. As long as I don't forget Duk Hwa's advice, I'll be fine.

Managing to calm himself to a center point, his hairstylist let him go as she finished the final touches.

Glancing around the room, he observed the members as they all got ready.

Soon after, their door opened.

A staff member appeared before he told them to stand on standby.

Knowing what that meant, they stood up.

It was time to debut.


The group walked on stage, the fangirls loud; cheering, "Lookism! Lookism! Fighting!"

Awed by the amount of people in the audience, their heart beats started to get faster.

Not wanting to mess up, they started to calm their thoughts.

In the process of cooling themselves down, they closed their eyes.

Clearing out their thoughts, they listened for the music to start.

In position: Hyung Seok went in the back with Jae Yeol on his left and Jang Hyeon on his right; in the middle, Bum Jae on the left and Vasco on the right while Jin Sung was diagonally across Vasco, being in the right, front.

Everyone showed their back towards the crowd.

Once the music started, everyone opened their eyes; serious.

Jin Sung spun on his leg, turning towards the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen." Jin Sung started walking to the front of the pyramid, cane in hand while he hit his chest with his free hand.

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