Chapter 8

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"You sure you gonna be okay?" Jack asked me as we stood face to face on the sidewalk in front of Alexa's house. I didn't know whether or not I should feel comfortable of the fact that he already knew where it was.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be fine. I just need to talk to her."

Jack placed his hands in his pocket and nodded. "Okay well, if you need somethin' I added my number to your phone."

He walked back toward his car and drove off.

Okay, let's do this.

I've never had to walk up to Alexa's door so hesitantly. It was like I never even met her.

My finger pushed her doorbell and Alexa came out 30 seconds later.

Her eyes were red an swollen, but no tears. It looked as if she had been crying all night but stopped an hour ago.

"Hey." I said. She gave me a weak smile in response.

Before I had the chance to say anything else, Alexa squeezed me in her arms as we hugged. She sobbed into my shoulder and I tried to comfort her.

She backed up, still sniffling, then said, "I'm sorry. How did you find what happened?"

"That's not important," I answered, "but we need to get your mind off of him okay?"

She nodded as we walked up the stairs into her room.

We sat in silence and didn't make eye contact until I asked, "Alexa why didn't you ever tell me about your problems with Sam? I could've like.. helped you or something."

She sighed, "I know, I'm sorry. It's just that, you were always right. Everything you thought about him was right. He was a pushy asshole that doesn't care about anyone." Her voice cracked as she continued speaking. "I was just so into him that I wanted to change your mind, but I never wanted to admit it."

Her head dropped on her pillow and closed her eyes.

I wasn't so surprised by her answer. She knew I didn't like him and that he didn't like me.

"I don't know what happened. He got pissed when I confronted him about flirting with this girl. He's always so scary when he yells.."

Omg. She didn't know about what happened in the park, or what happened with Jack. Ugh, I couldn't tell her. She would never get over him after that. Where is Sam anyway? Is he in the hospital? Whatever, let's just change the subject.

"Do you wanna watch a movie? Help you stop thinking about him?" I asked.

She nodded and turned on her TV and PS3. The red Netflix screen showed up a minute later and we scrolled through the comedy section.

A vibrating noise and ring played under Alexa's pillow. "Hang on, I got a text." She said as she climbed over her bed to reach for her phone.

"It's Taylor,"

She read his text aloud,

"Hey Lexa, me and the guys are having a party at Cameron's tonight. It's okay Sam's not coming. Oh and bring Eliza."

Party? No way.

It was like she read my mind as she said,

"Eliza please. It's the weekend, have some fun. I need my best friend with me, I can't be alone." She begged.

I've never been to a party in high school. And I didn't need my first one with Taylor and who knows who else would make me uncomfortable being there.

"Ugh Alexa, they're your friends, not mine."

"Please! I'll buy you Chipotle!"

I was pulled and rushed downstairs and into Alexa's car before I could even argue back.

She turned at me and gave me her cheesiest smile.

Hey, at least she's happy again. And I get to have chips and guac.

After the food court, we drove back to her house to do our hair and makeup then made our way to the party.

"Wow glad you could actually make it." Cameron said, letting us in.

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