Chapter 21

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I found myself knocking on Matt Espinosa's door later that Friday. Luckily, Shawn had his number. Getting even more behind on homework right now isn't really an option considering my grades have dropped a significant amount this month.

"Hey. Where were you today?" Matt asked as he led me inside his home. His house wasn't too big or too small. Actually, it kind of reminded me of mine.

"I.. didn't think school was a good idea today" I tried to joke.

He chuckled and nodded understanding my point.

"So this project's due on Tuesday and the packet's pretty thick so we have to meet up at least one more time before then. I'm gonna be busy this whole weekend and then I have a birthday party to go to on Monday, but I guess we can squeeze in some time in after school that day if that works for you?"

"Oh, yeah totally, Monday's good."

Matt explained to me what the project was and we worked on it until about 6. He offered me a ride home but I felt he had already been too nice.


This weekend was a lot better than I expected considering what I've been through lately. Conversations between me and my dad weren't awkward anymore and things between us were back to normal. My dad was called back to work for Saturday and Sunday so I took care of Elliot the few hours my dad was gone for work. I missed spending so much time with my little brother. His medicine obviously wasn't helping since he has gotten worse. My dad says they'll be visiting a doctor soon again.

When my dad wasn't working, he let me go out while he took care of Elliot. I got to spend some time with Molly on Saturday and Ann on Sunday. Although, both nights I ended up in the same house-


I expected to spend the entire weekend slowly dying when I would remind myself about Jack. Turns out, all Sam needed was to give me a laugh to forget about him. I'll never know what changed him, but I'd hope to find out soon. I didn't know whether or not I should allow myself to start liking him like this, but I couldn't help but smile every time I thought of him.


I didn't catch Sam Monday morning so I ached to see him throughout the day during passing time.

Before I could sit on my seat in science, I was pulled over to the side by Shawn. "Hey, Eliza, can we talk?"

I glanced at the clock, "Sure, we only have 3 minutes before class starts soo.."

"I heard you and Jack broke up." He stated, avoiding eye contact.

"What? How'd you know?" I asked curiously.

"Everyone knows.. I mean, I see him with another girl after every class so I just assumed you were.." He said awkwardly.

"Oh, well yeah we broke up." Now that I think of it, we never had an official break up but he obviously made it clear with the copious amount of different girls I've seen him with ever since.

"Oh.. Okay, well I was just gonna ask if you're seeing anyone right now?" He finally looked up to my eyes.

My palms began to sweat, I didn't know what to say.

Does Shawn still have feelings for me? Is that why he's asking? Would Sam even count as an answer to his question?

Words fumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them, "Me? No I'm not seeing anyone-- well kinda, if you count Sam I guess--"

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on. You're dating Sam?" Shawn's voice cracked and his face had turned from optimistic to one who looked as if he just got rejected.

Unsure. (A Jack Gilinsky Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora