Chapter 9

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Cameron's house was massive. It was nearly three times the size of my own.

The unpleasant smell of sweaty teenagers permeated the house and filled my nostrils.


The stench clearly irritated Alexa as well when she suggested we should go to the backyard.

Outside was a large swimming pool and plastic cups trashed everywhere.

I thought everyone was scared of Cameron and them. Then again, you can't take a high schooler away when they know a party's going on.

My eyes searched the crowd for Jack, I was honestly hoping he was here. He had to be.

"Alexa! Over here!" An unfamiliar girl shouted. She was probably Alexa's friend. "I'll be back in a sec." Alexa said as she headed toward the group of girls.

Great. I'm alone.

I took a seat that was far enough from the pool to keep from getting splashed on. My hands searched through my small purse for my phone.

"Hey." A voice said behind me.

Crap. Taylor.

He wasn't alone. With him was a boy with a snapback and a Young & Reckless sweater.

I stood up in front of them. "Hi." I said.

Taylor's eyes widened as he examined my dress. "Dayumm, Eliza.." I rolled my eyes and started to walk away, but Taylor held me back.

"Okay, wait, I'm sorry. This is Carter." He introduced the boy to me. "What's up?" Carter said.

Taylor made a weird noise then said "Hold up, I'm gonna go get a drink."

I turned back to Carter who had already started speaking again. "Wow, Taylor talked about how good-looking you were but I didn't expect you to be that gorgeous." He blushed and smiled.

My eyes wandered for a moment while Carter talked when I caught Jack's glowing brown eyes, watching me in the distance. The speed of my heart increased as I turned back to Carter.

"Oh, haha thank--"

I was interrupted when two arms from behind me wrapped around my waist and turned my face around and held a long kiss to my lips.

Heat traveled through me instantly. Jack held onto me tighter, not letting go of my face.

I smiled because I knew exactly what he was doing, but I didn't pull away either.

"Uhh.." Carter said.

Jack finally let go of me and turned toward him. "Oh hey Carter, what's up?"

I forced myself to hold my laughter.

Jack was adorable.

"I was just gonna go for a swim." Carter answered. He pulled off his hat, shirt, and sweater, and jumped into the crowded pool.

A smile played along my lips as I turned to face Jack. His brown eyes looked as if they were glowing, even through this dark.

He was perfect.

After I stared at him long enough he chuckles, "What? He needs to know you're mine." He pulls me into a hug and I playfully roll my eyes, my stomach fluttering. He was so good with words, I pushed away the thought of him having experienced them with other girls.

He placed his arm over my shoulder and we walked into the trees beyond Cameron's backyard. "And don't pretend you didn't like it" he smirked.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"You don't need to know" he smiled.

What was with him not telling me where we're going?

After about 15 minutes of walking I felt Jack let go of me. Frightened, I turned around, but he wasn't there.

"Jack, this isn't funny come out."

He had to be joking. Of course he would pick the middle of the woods when its pitch black out to play a prank on me. All of a sudden I hear a screaming in the distance.


His voice sounded like he was in pain, and struggling to yell.

My ears followed the noise and rushed toward new sets of trees and more trees. "Jack?! Jack where are you?!"

The bruises on my body ached as I ran and ran until I was out of breath. I stopped near a large lake. Before I could lean against the tree to take a rest, my shoulders were grabbed, "BOO!" The figure screamed.

I shrieked at the top of my lungs, backing up until I saw Jack's same dark clothing in front of me.

"You're an asshole." I said, hitting his chest.

Apparently I was wrong to think he would apologize when I walked away. Instead, he kept laughing and caught up to me.

"Hey, hey wait up." He pulled me back by the waist to face him.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to get back to Alexa, thank you very much." I said, pushing his arms off me.

"I'd like to see you try to find your way back."

Ugh, of course there was no signal.

"Besides, this is where I was trying to take you." He said.

What? A lake?

I faced him once more, he was still smirking. "Why here?" I asked.

"I don't know. I always liked it here. You kinda get away from it all for a while." He shrugged and gave me a small smile.

He walked toward me and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Come on," he led me toward a large tree and sat me down, my head on his shoulder.

I lifted my head to see his amazing smile looking straight at me. If I saw him like this just a few days ago, I wouldn't have recognized him.

"What are you smiling about?" I question.

"I don't know. It just feels so nice here. I'm with you, in one of my favorite places."

My heart raced at the thought of me making the boy who I thought was basically expressionless, smile and laugh because I was with him.

I wrapped both my arms around his arm and placed my head back on his shoulder.


I shut the door to my house, my guitar in hand. My sister's loud friends wouldn't allow me to practice the song I wrote for Eliza.

It was dark out, but the stars were as bright as her eyes. My feet traveled through the woods to find a good spot.

"Stop, Haha" I heard familiar giggling in the distance.

My ears followed the sound until I saw the same girl that was in my house just yesterday.

My heart stopped when I saw she wasn't alone. A male figure was tickling her stomach, making her let out the cutest giggles and perfect laugh.

He lifted her from behind, spinning her around. Both of them were smiling and laughing together. When he put her down she leaned up, her lips touching his cheek.

Before I knew it, water filled my eyes and I felt as if I'd been shot in the stomach.

The boy's mouth straightened when we made eye contact.

Oh crap, he sees me.

Not knowing what to do, I stood there like an idiot waiting for Eliza to turn around to see what he was looking at.

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