Chapter 10

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I stared back at Shawn's wet eyes. His guitar was on the floor beside him, and his body was frozen, except his chest, showing him breathing in slowly as he took in the sight in front of him.

He opened his mouth to speak, but his words were unable to come out.

My heart sank for him. Guilt found its way through me as I realized how he currently feels right now.

I shouldn't have went to his house. I shouldn't have asked to hang out. I shouldn't have given him the wrong idea about my feelings for him.

Now I have to watch my broken friend in front of me in silence.

"Shawn wait!" I yelled as he picked up his instrument and ran the opposite way of the woods. I attempted to run toward him, but Jack held onto me. My weak arms were no match for his tight grip, as I struggled trying to get him to let go.

His body disappeared from my sight, into the woods.

The minute of silence was interrupted when Jack's voice snapped me back to reality.

"Who was that?" He asked. By the tone of his voice, you could tell he was angry.

"Umm.." I started.

"Eliza, WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?" he strongly demanded.

"That's, uh, Shawn.." I stuttered afraid of what he would say.

"What the fuck is he, like your boyfriend or something?!"

His words hit me like multiple gunshots.

"No, he just--"

"This is exactly why I hate dating. Whores like you hop on every guy without the other guys knowing. You had something with him didn't you? And yet you decide to let me fall for you."

Jack's shocking anger terrified me as I slowly walked backwards.

What if he acts the same way Sam does when he's angry?

Honestly, physical pain would've felt better than the words he just spat out at me.

"That's probably why you let Taylor all over you, too! You see the way he looks at you and you couldn't give less of a crap! Wow, Eliza, really classy." He yelled.

I tripped backwards as I tried to create space between us. Getting up, I let myself explode.

"What the hell are you talking about?! You were the one that brought me to your house and trapped me there. You shouldn't even be talking at all because you also brought me here in the first place. We're not even dating so you have no right to be pissed off at me if all of this happened because of you! You might as well just had left me there with Sam to get raped and tortured!"

His facial expression transformed from "angry" to what I hoped was "regretful."

"You could've at least said you were seeing someone! I wouldn't have wasted any time trying to take care of you last night! You're just like every other girl out there!"

My eyes burned hearing the loud words escape his lips and replayed in my head.

I was a waste of time to him. He didn't care about me unless I was 'his.'

"You know what I don't need you screaming at me. Next time I try to leave, don't even attempt to hold me back."

I didn't bother to use anymore of my breath yelling at him. I could've called him off for making assumptions about Shawn before I even explained myself.

Unsure. (A Jack Gilinsky Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now