Chapter 16

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I felt Jack's body immediately come off of mine as he nearly stumbled backwards. All three of us in the room exchanged glances of shock. My dad flickered on the lights and took in the scene in front of him.

"ELIZA WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I shut my eyes hoping this was just a continuation of my nightmare. Unfortunately, when I opened them, my dad was still standing at the doorway.


"Dad, Jack is uh.."

"Her boyfriend." Jack interrupted me. I was surprised at his answer and afraid to look at my dad. Was he just trying to get in my dad's head or did he really mean it? Either way I couldn't stop the churning feeling in my stomach.

I saw my dad study Jack's face and finally said, "You better get the hell out of this house right now." He pointed Jack out my bedroom door.

"You need to chill, man. We were just making out, not fucking." Jack said as he pushed his way past my dad down the stairs. My eyes widened in shock of his words. He was so well with my brother.. I don't get it. I felt heat spread through my body, scared of what was yet to come.

My dad's never seen me like this. I've barely just gotten used to seeing myself like this.. Never have I even mentioned a boy to him. I couldn't imagine what must have went through his head when he saw Jack and I just a minute ago.

I swallowed as he turned around to face me after we heard Jack shut the door downstairs.

"I don't get it, Liza. How do you even know who he is, when did you even start seeing him?!"

"I-I don't know, Dad--" I stuttured.

"You barely know him don't you?!"

I replied with silence.

I couldn't tell him how we actually met.

"So now you're bringing random guys up to your room without me knowing? I don't need such a low-class teenage girl in my house."

Anger rose up inside me, words rushed out my mouth before I could stop them, "You shouldn't be talking! You're the one sneaking out with another woman without us knowing! You didn't even ask how me and Elliot felt about this!"

I waited for a reply, but there was none. Instead, he said, "I don't want my daughter turning into some slut. You don't know him, and you're not seeing him anymore. Is that clear?" He said sternly.

"Come on you just found us at the wrong time, you can ask Elliot--"

"Wait, you brought him near Elliot?!" My dad's voice rose.

"Yeah he helped me take care of him when you weren't here."

I saw the guilt in my dad's face after my answer.

"Make sure doesn't come near here again, or near you." He slammed the door as he walked back to his room.

The next morning I entered the large doors of my school. Honestly, I was glad the day was going by slowly. I didn't need to see or listen to my dad right now.

Alexa and I sat at our lunch table and had overheard Taylor and Molly talking about hanging out again after school. I couldn't tell whether they were planning to go alone or would eventually invite people. By the time lunch was over, they never came by to me and Alexa to invite us so I guess they were going alone. Taylor gave Molly a kiss on her lips and put his arm around her waist while they trailed down the school's halls. I didn't see them the rest of the day.

Ever since Taylor started going out with Molly, Carter had stopped sitting with him. I couldn't blame him, Carter probably felt like a third wheel. Now he sits with a boy in my math class named Matt and a another kid named Hayes.

Unsure. (A Jack Gilinsky Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now