Chapter 18

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I took a glance back at Jack on the other side of the room hoping he wouldn't be seeing what I'm doing. He was still on the phone.

My hands trembled as I picked up the small white paper with photo attached for a closer view. The note read,

"Jack, maybe you're still trying to forget us but we're still here. Incase you weren't keeping track, Jacob is almost a year old. He may mean nothing to you but you'll mean the world to him if you just see him for his first birthday. I'm not trying to convince you to come back or anything but please just consider visiting him just once.

-Em & Jacob"

In that moment I didn't know what to feel.

Why didn't Jack tell me? Is this what Jordan was talking about when she said he's always hiding something?

I placed the note back where I found it, looking over it just a few more times to make sure what I was viewing was real. It looked untouched, this had to be just sent.

What did Jack think about when he saw this?

To my surprise, my heart ached for the poor girl and little boy.

Is Em short for something? Jack's barely ever even mentioned a girl to me. I needed to talk to him about it but confronting him about his possible child is completely beyond my abilities.


Oh my God.

Jack has a son.

He got a girl pregnant and left her.

What if that's the only reason he has me here with him now? To just throw me away after he's done with me like Jordan said?

Jack's voice startled me, "Hey you tired yet?"

I instantly felt my palms start to sweat. To be honest, I wanted to be nowhere near him until I figure this whole thing out. I couldn't confront him about it, not yet.

"Jack, can you take me back home?" I said playing with my fingers, trying not to make eye contact.

"Wait, why? We came here so you could get the hell away from your dad. Why would you wanna go back there?"

I stuttured hoping to think of an excuse as the words came out of my mouth, "I don't know.. I just need to work it out with him. Obviously I'm not gonna stay mad forever. Running away is just making it longer."

Honestly, I didn't want to go back home at all but right now that's my only option considering Jack may have a child I don't know about.

I gave a sigh if relief to myself when Jack finally agreed to take me back home. After I came out of the bathroom to change back into my clothes, I handed Jack the clothes he let me wear for the short period of time.

"Here," I said handing him his clothes.

"Keep em." He responded shortly before leading me downstairs and into his car.

Before I left him to enter my house, he pulled me back to say, "If your dad or anyone does anything to make you cry again or says any dumb shit, call me. I don't care if it's 4:30 in the morning. Okay?"

I nodded reassuringly and he kissed my cheek.


Sunday morning.

Unsure. (A Jack Gilinsky Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now