Chapter 24

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A/N: Thanks so much for 40k! You guys are freaking fantabulous. Oh and new username because Jack's eyebrows are life okay hope you like the chapter haha.


When I got home last night, my dad told me they've been seeing the doctor and Elliot's coming back to school today. Thank God.

I wasn't in the mood to talk to Alexa about everything that went on yesterday. It was probably better that she didn't know, anyway.

Shawn sat down beside me just seconds before the late bell. He rolled his eyes and I could tell he was straining not to look back at me. I wanted to talk to him so badly. He was one of the few people I was comfortable with and who I felt like I could talk to.

Once class ended I yelled for Shawn but he had already disappeared in a split second. I walked into math to find Matt laughing his head off. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"Check it out, Mr. Simons has a huge chocolate stain on his ass and he has no idea!"

I started to laugh along with him, but mostly because of how he was laughing so hard. I was glad Matt didn't mention the awkwardness at his cousin's house. Once Mr. Simons finally turned around to the board, I could see the stain. Just then, some kid walking in yelled out, "Hey Eliza! Why are you staring at Mr. Simons' ass?!" My face heated instantly. Mr. Simons, who obviously heard him, immediately turned around and raised his eyebrows at me. The whole class burst into laughter, except me and Matt. My teacher walked toward us.

"Miss Stalings, I know anyone would love to avoid awkward situations like this, but you put it on yourself to do something so inappropriate. Keep your eyes away please" He then walked back to his desk. What the hell? Okay. Once the class started to calm down, Matt called out. "Mr. Simons, Eliza was just looking at the huge chocolate stain on your butt."

Suddenly his eyes widened and his face turned bright red as he checked behind and ran out the door and raced to the bathroom. The class instantly went crazy. Some guys came over to give Matt a high five. I found out that some senior who had Mr. Simons last year spread nutella on his seat while he wasn't in here.

Matt and I ended up sitting down and talking. "So are you and Jack like a thing again?" Matt asked.

"No, I don't even know what we are" I shrugged.

"So he wouldn't care if we hung out after school, right?"

Before I could answer, a voice came from the doorway, "Actually he would." Jack said holding up a jar of nutella, smirking.

He walked in and put his arm around my shoulder, "We have plans tonight." Jack told Matt. Matt awkwardly backed up, "Okay.. so tomorrow?"

I said "Yes" the same time Jack said "No."

I rolled my eyes at him and told Matt that yes, I can hang out tomorrow.


"What was that about?" I asked Jack once school was over.

"What? A guy can't hang out with his girlfriend after school?"

"I'm not your girlfriend" I reminded him.

"You never officially broke up with me"

"You never officially asked me to be your girlfriend either."

"Damn, someone's sassy."

Just then, I recieved a phone call from my dad. I took my phone out and hit "Answer."


"Hey Eliza, I'm kinda busy right now. Can you go pick up your brother and take him out for icecream or something? I'll pay you back."

"Uh, yeah sure."

I ended the call and looked to Jack, "Sorry, can't hang out. I gotta pick up Elliot."

"No we're picking him up." Jack smirked. He grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine and led me to his car. To be honest, I couldn't help myself from smiling.

"He goes to Meadow Lake Elementary, right?" Jack asked while he started the car.

"Yup.. So Are you ever gonna answer me about the Jordan thing?"

"Nope. I was trying to avoid that."

"Why can't you just tell me? What the hell is so hard?"

"You wouldn't get it."

"Well clearly I wouldn't because you don't even try to explain it!"

He stayed silent.

"Okay, whatever I don't even know why I'm with you right now" I opened the car door but Jack called out to me.

"Eliza would you please get back in the car? I promise I'll tell you at some point but trust me, now's not the time."


"Dang I haven't seen this place in forever." Jack said as we got out of the car to look for my brother. He ran over to me and I leaned down to give him a hug.

"Hey how was your first day back?"

"It was good." He smiled.

"Hey kid," Jack said and gave my brother a high five.

"Wanna go get some icecream?" Elliot nodded his head and the three of us drove to Coldstone.

"Can I get vanilla with rainbow sprinkles" Elliot told the worker.

"Sure, anything else?"

"Oh no we're fine." I answered.

"Hey, speak for yourself," Jack told me.

"Can I just get plain chocolate in cup?" He asked her.

"Sure! That'll be $5.82."

As I reached into my bag to take out a $10 bill, Jack had already handed the lady 6 bucks.

When they sat down with their icecream Elliot thanked Jack.

"No problem, man"

"So Elliot what did you do at school?" I asked my brother.

"We had art today so I drew a picture of you, me, and Jack" he answered.

Jack and I both chuckled as I wiped the icecream off Elliot's face.

"When can I see the drawing?" I asked.

"On the last day of school when I bring all my stuff home."

"Haha, okay."

"Want some?" Jack offered his icecream to me.

"No I'm good" I responded.

"I know you're lying." He claimed.

"How would you know?" I asked.

"Because you said the same thing when I asked you if you wanted to make out before and--"

"Oh my gosh Jack shush!" My eyes widened at him, not believing he said that right in front of my little brother, who just started to laugh like there was no tomorrow.


"Okay so your house?" Jack asked as we all entered the car.

"Yup. Just don't come in. My dad might be home and I'm pretty sure he hates you."

"Hey that's not fair"

"Jack, he threatened to call the cops on you."

"That's interesting, anything else?" He asked sarcastically.

Somehow we both started laughing as we made our way back to my house.

"Thanks for driving us" I said to Jack as I left the car and taking Elliot with me as we walked toward our front door.

Once I unlocked the door I found myself in front of my dad who's lips were connected to--

"Mom?!" Jack yelled right after he surprisingly entered the house.

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