Cheesy Dates

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Laughing was heard from the large hangar in the Castle of Lions. A certain Cuban male had his hand gripped tightly around his boyfriend's arm as they made their way to one of the loaded ships. The more pale male had a soft blush on his cheeks as he was dragged on by his boyfriend, attempting to hold back a laugh.

"Lance, where are we going?!" Lance, who was now shoving the male in a seat, shook his head and sat himself in the pilot's chair, bulking himself in. "Oh no, I want out! You are not flying with me in here!"

"Buckle up and keep quiet Keith, I promise you will love where we are going!" Keith groaned but did what he was told and buckled himself in just as Lance began flying the ship and left the hangar. This began their date that Lance had been planning for months.

He and Keith had been dating for just under a year now and Lance wanted to do something special for their anniversary. This was his type of romantic date and knew that Keith would like it, despite his constant comparing on Lance's piloting skills.

"Lance, you suck at flying! I'm gonna throw up like Hunk!" Lance, being a shit because why not, did a belly roll with the ship making Keith become even more annoyed with him. But in his head Keith really didn't mind Lance's excited mood and actually loved seeing Lance act like an idiot.

Minutes later they arrived at the space mall, Lance practically yanking Keith out of his seat to go inside and dragging him to the opposite side of the mall where there was a small shop filled with stuff from their home planet, Earth.

"Why are we in here?" Keith looked at Lance who gave him a huge smile and pulled in deeper into to shop.
"I thought you could get a taste of home... pick whatever you want, I'll buy it." Lance held out an arm to show off everything stacked up on the shelves ranging from gaming systems, to iPods. Keith who took his time to look around before spotting a mixtape, a smile growing on his face as he picked it up and handed it to Lance.

"I want this..." Lance looked down at the mixtape with a soft smile then bringing it to the cash to pay. Behind the alien cashing him out was a huge stand of lollipops, big ones that were the size of Lance's face. He gently pointed to one, hoping the cashier figured out that he didn't want Keith to see that he was about to do one of the cheesiest things in the book. But the other boy was looking around the store not paying attention to Lance.

Walking out, Lance held the bag with the mixtape and the red and blue lollipop, sticking his hand inside or grab the lollipop before putting it into Keith's face. Keith in surprise stepped back from the sudden treat piping up informer of him but held back another laugh before realizing what Lance was doing.

"You are such a loser..." Keith gave a playful glare to Lance when speaking but still gave the candy a taste, moving away from it when the taste hit his tongue. "That is years old I think... it tastes horrible!"

"What? No!" Lance gave the candy a lick on the opposite side before jerking back and tossing the treat into a nearby garbage. "Never mind that... how about more shopping? "Keith let out laugh that was barely audible, before following Lance around the mall again


Sitting at a table in the food court, Keith observed the aliens and life forms that surrounded him. Lance, being a great boyfriend, left him sitting at a two seater table, alone. He had bags of stuff surrounding him and aliens looking at him weirdly as he waited for Lance to return from wherever he ran off to.

Soon the tan boy returned and in his hand was a huge pink milkshake with two red and white straws poking out of the top. The boy had a huge grin on his face as he placed it in the middle of the table and sat opposite of Keith who was trying to control his blushing from looking annoyed at the other boy's cheesiness.

"You are such a loser, you know that Lance?" Lance only laughed in response, shaking his head as he took a straw and began drinking the smoothie that tasted almost like a strawberry one he would order on Earth.

"I'm your loser... and it won't stop you from not pretending to enjoy every moment of us sharing a strawberry smoothie together in the middle of the mall on a date." Keith found it hard to fight back the blush from Lance's comment, his face beginning to turn red.

"Shut up..."

Lance grinned evilly as they both took sips of the smoothie, Keith debating whether to speak his mind or not. But eventually he decided to. If Lance wasn't going to say it first, he was.

"I love you." It was blurted out quickly as Keith blushed and took a. Long drink from the smoothie. He attempted to avoid making eye contact with a shocked Lance. But he took the chance to let his purple eyes meet his boyfriends blue ones for a second.

"I love you too..." Lance fought his own blush as he grabbed Keith's hand and moved the cup over to lean over the table and place a kiss on the other boy's lips. Keith in response wrapped an arm around Lance's neck, deepening the kiss before pulling back. "Who knew you could be so passionate and straightforward huh Mullet?"

"You suck Lance.." Keith but Lance in the arm as the other boy gave a smirk to him. Lance only laughed and pulled the smoothie back before giving a innocent looks to his boyfriend.

"But you just said that you love me...". Keith let out a laugh at how Lance made himself look innocent before leaning back in his chair smiling at the boy.

"Yes, I do... but you still suck."

"Love you too..."

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