Confessions ~ Part 1

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Lance sat in the living room, scrolling through the phone Pidge had made for him only a couple of weeks ago. He had thought he was going to be left alone that day. When Keith walked into the room he did not acknowledge the other teens presence. He did not want to know what he did this time.

"Whatcha doin?" Lance now looked up at Keith who was trying to see the phone screen from the front of the couch.

"Nothing, what are you doing?" Keith glared, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm walking into the room, what the fuck do you think I'm doing?" Lance shrugged and scooted over on the couch as Keith sat down. Lance raised a questioning eyebrow, confused on why Keith was sitting with him.

"It is usually you who says this but I'm bored." Lance finally looked Keith in the eye at his words, shock clearly showing in his expression. Since when did Keith want t talk to him.

"Are you sick? You have a fever don't you? Do I need to call an ambuLANCE?" Lance winked with a soft laugh, this earning his a slap in the head from the other male. This causing the cuban male to rub his head in playful and real pain.

"Fucking dumbass," Keith commented. Lance gared.

"What was that for?!" Keith held back his laughter at Lance's stupid joke, he found himself wanting to stay serious.

"You are annoying."

"I'm adorable..." Lance smiled,yawning and stretching an arm around Keith playfully. Keith blushed, this causing Lance go grin widely.

"No you are not..." Lance, of course, noticed Keith's blush. A smirk growing on his face. He knew he was able to mess with Keith.

"Then don't blush."

"What are you talking about! What blush! I'm not blushing, you are!" Lance laughed, shaking his head then moving his arm back to his lap. Then Lance got an idea, a way to mess with Keith.

"Do you like me?" Lance smiled, hoping to get a reaction out of the other male and boy he did.

"No! Why would you say that?!" Lance let out a laugh, he was going to have lots of fun with this. Keith on the other hand was beginning to freak out, his heart was beginning to thump out of his chest. He did not like what was happening.

"Everyone like me. I would assume you would too, especially when Shiro told me you were gay." Lance was joking but Keith knew that it was not a lie. At all.

"You have no proof!"

"I have lots of proof." Truth was Lance had no proof but the last couple of minutes helped him in his little prank. Keith's jaw dropped, in his mind he prayed this was not happening to him. "Such as the fact that you are voluntarily speaking to me, that you were blushing, and that you are yelling at me right now."

"I am not yelling!" He was yelling, loudly and but then realized how Lance was laughing on the side. He was playing around.

"Shiro also told me this morning when we were training." Keith knew Lance was joking because Shiro would never reveal his secrets to a guy he pretended to hate.

"I never knew you trained?" Keith snickered at Lance's surprised face, earning the finger in response. They both acted to get reactions out of each other.

"Well I never knew that you had a crush on me until a month ago when Shrio really told me."

"What crush?! I'm not hiding anything! Why would I be hiding something?! You are!" Lance let out a loud laugh, playfully hitting Keith's arm. This was the best joke he told.

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